Mama and Papa

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*Octavia's pov*

"My biological family found me," I told papa. After those words fell from my mouth it was deathly silent until Oliver's dumb ass spoke

"Papa, me and Zelda came with her, you know we couldn't leave her," Oliver spoke calmly and quietly so he wouldn't poke the bear anymore but I don't think that helped at all because all of a sudden papa is yelling in Russian as Zelda did.

"что, черт возьми, мои дети только что сказали мне? что отвратительные люди, бросившие моего мини-демона, вернули ее?" (Russian translation- what the fuck did my children just say to me? that the disgusting human beings that abandoned my mini demon, got her back?")

I looked up to see if any one understood Russian but they all looked confused so we decided to speak in Russian.
"папа, я в порядке, у меня нет выбора, мне 16. до сих пор все было хорошо. Я не хочу, чтобы ты или мама беспокоились обо мне. У меня близнецы, мы всегда защищаем друг друга"

(Russian translation- "papa I'm okay, I don't have a choice I'm 17. everything has been fine so far. I don't want you or mama worrying about me. I have the twins, we always protect each other")
As I finished my sentence I looked at the twins and smiled, they smiled back with big Cheshire grins, I love those two, but probably won't admit it out loud.

Papa surprised me when he said " I'm flying to Italy in exactly 2 weeks, I need to make sure everything will be okay here. Will you be okay for 2 weeks?" he spoke in English where everyone can hear him, most of the people in the room were glaring at my phone but I continued to speak to papa.

"papa I told you I'm okay, you don't need to come here. but I know how stubborn you are but yes papa I'll be okay."

he spoke one last time and it made me as well as the twins smile " okay любовь, I love you, stay out of trouble mini demon. hand the phone over to the twins now" (Russian translation-love)

I handed my phone to the twins who looked nervous to speak to him, Zelda spoke up first "yes papa" she said softly, Papa then went on a rant "Zelda I love you so much and Oliver I love you so much too. I love you all the same. Now I know this doesn't need to be said but I think the fuck it does-" he was cut off when mama hit him with a shoe for cursing, we all stifled laughs as papa told us to "shut up" and for that she hit him again saying not to be mean to her babies.

Papa started where he left off "it needs to be said out loud that you two, being Oliver and Zelda, need to watch Octavia."

I looked at the phone in offense, I didn't do shit. "you know she is kind of crazy and she likes to hurt people so please watch her don't let her get arrested, I'm tired of bailing her out and her excuses are lame" the twins and I started laughing while I hear my biological family laughing as well, oops- I forgot they were there.

papa ended the call with "do not let Tavia get arrested and Oliver, watch the girls, I need you to look out for them." I think Oliver took offense to that because he said "papa when have I not ever looked out for them?" I stifled a laugh when papa said "when they got themselves arrested for public intoxication" he said bluntly. my eyes widen along with Zelda's we didn't think he knew. "How the fuckity fuck was I supposed to look out for them when they tied me to my bedpost in my sleep, took my electronics, and played Barbie in the dream house on repeat, while I was stuck in place. make that make sense."

it got eerily quiet before we saw Papa's face turn red and we realized what was about to happen but mama started laughing so hard she couldn't breathe and that just made papa break into a laughing fit.

I really think he laughed for five minutes while Oliver just looked Angry.

Papa finally pulled it together and told us bye and that he'll see us soon.

The twins and I looked up from my phone smiling. We looked at my biological family to see them glaring at anything and everything, some look sad and Marianna was about to start crying again.

Lorenzo started to speak "Who was that?" he spoke so tiredly and broken. I almost felt bad.

"That was our papa, he took us in when we were 9, I don't really wanna dig into the past but he was there when we didn't have anyone else in our corner," I said blankly but not coldly.

He nodded his head in understanding but it looked like it physically hurt him to even do that, I was tired of this mood and it was already 11:45 am.

What the fuck. We've been at this table for like hours. I was bored and I knew the twins were too and our cars weren't here yet so I did something unexpected.

"Do you guys wanna go to the mall with me and the twins?" I asked everyone, as we were all still sitting here.

Everyone's heads immediately turned my way in sync... weird. They all started talking at once, saying yes and blah blah blah.

"Okay everyone get ready and meet in the foyer at exactly 1:00 pm" I state with authority.

No one questions me so I walk to my room and text the group chat.

Tavi & Zelly are Olly's bitches

me: who changed the group name? I do not approve

Zelly: yeah what the fuck is this shit, Oliver

Olly: well I just thought it sounded better

me: no.... anyway I need help getting sleeping pills... I ran out

Olly: we got you

me: thank you guys, I owe you, and don't forget school supplies

Zelly: okay "mom"

After I finish texting the group chat I realized me and the twins literally got ready this morning, so I just laid on my bed with my phone charging and playing subway surfers.

I am so not ready for this little trip but I need to get my sleeping pills.

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