Oh Shit

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*Evangelos pov*

Octavia grabbed my hand before responding to Killian "I'm sorry, Elliot... I already did. Their all dead and their families. The only person I was having trouble getting is Fione. I killed his wife and his son though, he has no heir." she stated completely void of any emotion.

The twins and I looked around at each other confused. After Octavia finished speaking I looked at Killian
"You promised me-"
he started choking on his words "you said we would do it together when you came and found me" Killian sounded and looked so broken. I haven't seen him look this hurt in a long time.

I feel Octavia's nails digging into my hand, I looked up at her face and it looked like she was about to cry too.

The twins and I still didn't say anything

"I looked everywhere for you Elliot, you can ask the twins. Hell, you can ask anyone in the Russian Mafia. We didn't tell each other our names. We either had to classify each other at AM13 and OF07. If not our given names then our old middle names. Yes I killed every single one of them and it felt amazing and I won't apologize for it."
Octavia stated her voice level the entire time. Not once did she look away from Killian.

Killian looked conflicted and I want to ask so badly what this is about but of course, Zelda said something "Octavia what is he talking about" Zelda calmly asked but I can tell by the look on her face she feels hurt that she didn't know, just like she didn't know about her rehab.

Octavia looked at Killian again, silently asking if she should talk about it or not. Killian gave her no sign of confirmation.
Before she could say anything Killian did

"Faye here- sorry I meant Octavia" he stated angrily. I noticed Octavia flinch but not from his tone, from what he called her.

"Octavia promised me the day she helped me escape that she would make a list. A list of every person involved in harming us, hell even the men who brought us our food once a day."

Killian just laughed with venom lacing his tone before continuing "Octavia also promised she would find me when she finally got out to and we would kill them together." It was eerily quiet but nevertheless, Killian wasn't finished "But she lied. She didn't find me and we didn't kill them together." he spat those last words before getting up and leaving to go to his room.

I looked at Octavia to see her eyes following Killian out of the room.

"That's why you seemed so guilty after killing people from the Irish mafia, it wasn't because you were killing someone, it was because you were doing it without him," Oliver states like it all makes sense now.

The twins looked at the time and noticed that they needed to leave so they won't be late for school.

I didn't want Octavia to go but I know she needs to.

She stands up, my hoodie looks like a dress on her so she had it kind of rolled or scrunched up around her waist.

She turned around and wrapped her arms around my waist. I remembered I needed to get her number.

"Can I get your number before you go?" I ask her softly. Octavia nods her head.

"Let me see your phone," she says quietly. I hand her my phone and she gives me hers.
After I put my number in I go to look at her home and lock screen.
Octavia's home screen was her and the twins running in the road, I laugh quietly and go to look at her lock screen.

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