High Koala

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With me on Oliver's back, he ran out of the plane. We were both yelling about how we have freedom. We may or may not have gotten into a lot of candy. There were just so many Monster Energy Drinks and special candy that we could hear them screaming for me and Olly to eat and drink them.

That sounds weird when I actually think about it. Anyway, were both in the back seat of the car screaming the lyrics to a Taylor Swift song. I think it was really mean of them to not let me sit in the front with Evangelos as he was driving. We just pulled into the Greysons' driveway and before I notice or acknowledge anyone else, I see Jackson. I immediately got out of the car to climb on him like a monkey.

I ran towards him jumping on him, hugging him, and being sweet. I was rubbing his back and he thought I was being nice. Haha no I taped a piece of paper on his back that says, 'Kick me please!!'

I start getting off of him, I swear he's a giant. I see a tear fall out of his eye but that's not normal. Me and him don't cry we kill. I wiped the tear away and not so sneakily gave him a bunch of edibles. Yes, that wasn't normal candy on the plane but I don't know anyone knows.

Olly runs over to us and tripped, and it was absolutely hilarious. I am laughing so hard that you'd mistaken me for crying right now. He jumps up and starts to chase me because I laughed at him and I more candy.

I got tired of running so I ran to Evangelos, jumping on his back and kissing his cheek. "I love you," I tell him with a big smile and hooded lids. He gives me a peck on the lips before he moves me to hang like a koala on his front instead of back.

Evangelos reached into the car grabbing me a blanket, my phone, and probably something to sober me up. When he turns back around I quickly put one of my hands behind my back. I might have been shoving them in my mouth while he was turned.

He started walking and I thought we would leave it but he brought us to Olly who was around everyone else, why are the Romanos here? I question in my head, I can care about that later.

I didn't get my blanket so you can tell there is something in my hand. "If you give it to me I can always put it away for later but if you don't I will let Olly chase you for them and he is a little more sober than you," I don't like this. I wanted the rest.

I huff, "Take me to the car Knight!" I exclaim but he just laughs and does as I said. I was being serious he should not be laughing.

I grabbed a huge bookbag and we walked back to Olly. I tap Evangelos' arm twice signaling I want down. He probably thinks I'm gonna try to escape.

I just dump the entire back on the pavement. There are a lot of packed edibles and there are 9 packages that are empty. I go to open another package but Evangelos catches me, "Eh, no give it to me," I wasn't even pressed on the matter of him taking my edibles but the fact he just spoke to me like I'm a little kid. I don't give it to him I just look at him funny then me and Olly bolt trying to lock ourselves in the car but we are very slow.

I like this mood, there isn't much thinking. Evangelos was the one who caught me but I didn't try to run again. I went back into my koala position and pecked his lips three times before I laid my head down on his chest. I love listening to his heartbeat. All that running tired me out. Well, I do have sort of fresh wounds on my body along with a few others.

I started crying about the fact that Evangelos had to catch me and he's been shot and stabbed. That could have hurt him. "I think we should address the elephant on the ground," I yell pointing at Olly. We both started dying laughing and he had called me a cow because of my hair or something.

"NO, But seriously we do have an elephant," I looked around, "We have an elephant outside," I exclaimed making sure their listening.



"NO, But seriously we do have an elephant in the room," says Via because she continues, "We have an elephant outside," she practicing yelled. If she were anyone else I would have already shut them up but I want to know what she's thinking about and she looks so happy.

"Ya know, It is mad sus were all here right," she says moving her eyebrow up and down. I have no idea what she is doing but I couldn't hold in the laughter anymore and I started laughing. "Σ'αγαπώ," I tell her sincerely.
"Σ'αγαπώ," she tells me before she lays her head back down on my chest.

I am honestly surprised her biological family isn't doing anything. They aren't giving me death glares or threatening me but instead, they look at us like they pity us, their sad. I don't understand but I don't think now is the time. Not five minutes later she is passed out causing me to chuckle.

I start walking directly toward the crowd, bold I know right? I walk up to The ex don of the American mafia, "Evangelos Stavros, I would shake your hand but I can't right now," I say a little more quietly.

"How bad was it, I know the guard downplayed y'all's injures to make me feel better, Octavia apparently told him to do so," Maxim rolls his eyes, huffing like a child.

"It was bad or from my point it was bad, do you want to know the extent of injuries and how it all went down?" I ask him, he nods his head making his face go blank.

"Okay, so Alexander, Zelda, River, and Oliver were arguing about something as usual. Octavia was sitting in front of the couch leaning on my legs, I asked her if she wanted to sit on the couch and she said no," I smile at her stubbornness forgetting about all the people.

I clear my throat, " Via had gotten a message on her phone and she immediately went upstairs. When she never came back I got worried so I went to check on her, started freaking out when she wasn't in the room and I went looking only to find her rushing out of dads office and locking it with a key." I tell them, turning to laugh at Dad.

"Haha son, yes your girlfriend locked me in a room so she could handle it," he exclaimed annoyed. "She's done it to me too," Maxim says, "Don't feel bad it means she likes you and wants to keep you safe," Maxim continues making my dad start grinning.

"I mean she kinda did say she liked me," he says making sure I know that piece of information.

"Mhm well, Dad when are we going home?" one of the boys asks Lorenzo. The boy would look at Via then at me and then look sad. I don't understand.

I feel Via start moving, I thought she wanted down but she wanted on my back. It looks like she's trying to stay awake.

"You still have two days papa, Dad," Octavia tells them coldly. I couldn't detect not one emotion. "Why won't you just tell me so we can fix it and move on, why not tell me?" she looks bored.

"If I were to tell you, I am almost 100% sure both and Jackson will go on a killing spree and you'd stay gone a few days," Henry tells us, well me and Jackson.

And out of nowhere here comes Jackson himself...

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