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Checking my phone my eyes travel to the time and date. It's October 1st at exactly 12:00 am. Henry and I have yet to find a loophole and Lorenzo just doesn't seem to care.

I'm not saying that he doesn't care about Octavia but I really don't think he cares how she is going to feel about this situation. It's either that or he doesn't fully understand the extent of her temper. It's honestly scary and that is definitely saying something as it is coming from the ex-don of the Russian mafia.

I finally just lay down beside my wife and let myself get some sleep. If I don't get a few hours I won't be in the right mindset to help with the contract and my wife, Ana would not be happy with me.

I am woken up at 6:18am by my phone ringing, my stupid and annoying phone. I was confused when I saw that the nuisance that caused my phone to ring is one of the guards back at the Stavros mansion.

"What," I ask seriously. "Sir there has been an attack. Donna went out of her way to get all the Stavros family who couldn't fight in Collin's office as it is the most secure room in the house," he pauses for a minute and I think he is done until he speaks again before I could.

"Oliver is fine apart from a gunshot to the leg and Zelda has a few cuts here and there.
Alexander and River Stavros both have some sort of bruises and cuts on the face and knuckles but they are good apart from that.
Now for the last two, I waited last to tell you them because well you know how they are. Evangelos was shot in the shoulder, stabbed in his arm, and the normal bruises and cuts on the face. Lastly Donna Octavia," The guard tells me somewhat slowly but still professionally so I will understand and keep me somewhat calm.

"Donna has two stab wounds on her left and right shoulder, a gunshot wound to the thigh, and a gunshot wound to her arm, and she has some form of cuts and scratches all around her arms but mainly her hands from grabbing the intruders knives," he tells me but this time knowing that all of these kids are hurt in some type of way, I am seething.

"Get a clean-up crew for the bodies and tell them to write down any of the names of the deceased that are a part of the Russian or Greek mafia so we can let families know and you know so forth if they want to have a funeral, thank you," I said coldly. "I also want you to tell everyone there that they are coming to America, it is safe here for right now. I also would like you to select a few men to accompany you on travel here," after I hear "Yes Don," I hang up the phone and frantically call Henry and Lorenza to the office.

"What's going on you seemed angry on the phone," Henry says as he comes in and takes a seat on the couch in the office. Lorenzo comes in right after and practically asks the same question just worded differently.

"I got a call from one of my guards," I tell them everything that happened as slowly as I can because right now I'm really angry. We all know it's the Irish they've been quiet for far too long. I know Octavia wanted to wait until the Annual mafia ball for her biological family to know she is our Donna but with all this Irish drama and the contractual marriage I feel like he is going to find out.

I am still weirded out by Lorenzo though. I mean how could you just be okay with your daughter marrying someone who she doesn't love in that way and not only that but to be forced to marry someone. It's weird, maybe he wants more money and power. I don't know but I do know that if this is the case then it's bad if the Romanos find out Octavia's identity before she wants them to.


(Time of The Attack)

"No, but really what in the fuckity fuck is wrong with you?" Olly practically yells in frustration. It's actually pretty fucking funny.

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