I Miss You

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*Octavia pov*

The twins and I are headed to the cafeteria. I'm literally starving.

As soon as we walk in my bio brothers immediately come drag us to their table.

I was lost in my thoughts thinking about Evangelos and the incredible weekend I just spent with him when i'm broken out of my thoughts by Angelo's angry voice "Who the fucks hoodie is that Octavia" I just look up at him strangely. I didn't know what he expected me to say so I said the first excuse to come to mind. "It's Oliver's old hoodie, he always wore it before we came here and I wanted to see why. I realize it's because it's very comfortable."

Angelo nodded his head hesitantly but dropped it anyway and started talking to Gabriel in whispers.

I could feel someone staring at me and I see Alexander and River looking at me strangely or more like the hoodie.

Alexander and River's faces contort in realization almost at the same time.

I tilt my head to the side still looking at them, as they looked down at the hoodie then at me looking mortified like they just realized something they wish they hadn't realized.

I look at the twins and see they noticed Alexander and River's actions as well. All 3 of us show a look to each other silently agreeing to speak about this later.

As soon as the twins and I walk the the Romano mansions door, we are bombarded with the brothers that were at school behind us and the brothers who weren't in front of us. Lorenzo and Marianna rush down stairs hugging us.

Yeah even the twins, it'll take time getting used to but i'm glad the Romano's accept them. Now the twins and I have 2 family's I guess.

"We've missed you guys" Marianna said with a tear rolling down her cheek emotionally.

Zelda and her hyperactive self spoke first "We've only been gone for a few days silly" Zelda started grinning. We made our way up stairs and I see Draco laying on my bed staring out of the window. I feel bad, I've barely spent anytime with him this last week.

I sent the twins to bring him here and make a guard bring him in last night.

I feel a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me so I plugged my phone up on my bed side table and fell asleep, me laying on on my stomach with Draco sleeping with him top half on my back.


I wake up around 6:45pm, someone was calling me but I didn't read the name as the light was blinding me.

I tiredly brought my phone to my ear and said "Hello" my voice was horse because of my throat being so dry, from just waking up.

I hear Evangelos speak and I immediately start smiling "Hey I was wond-" he cut himself off when he heard my voice and immediately started to bombard me with questions "What's wrong, are you okay, fuck should I call Oliver to check on you?"

I cut off his ranting by coughing to clear my throat "I'm fine love, I just woke up and I have a sore throat that's all"

Evangelos was silent for a brief moment "If you say so love, I want to see you Wednesday. Only if you want to come over of course and you can bring the twins if they wanna come over too" he was ranting. I think he's nervous. I'm pretty sure papa is coming Wednesday but we can figure that out.

"Yes I would love to come over, i'm sure the twins will too they like hanging out with Killian" As I said the last part my chest aches. He isn't my Elliot anymore, I broke a promise so I understand.

Evangelos sighed before he said "I miss you, a lot. I haven't even known you that long and your all I can think about." his words made my stomach do flips while I smiled softly before I could respond someone busted through my door. I think it's broken. I'm still facing the opposite direction and it looks like i'm sleeping.

Evangelos worriedly asking what happen but I stay silent, hoping they fuck with me so I have a right to prank them back later.

Out of no where the person does something un expected, pours ice cold water on top of me making me scream and jump up. I heard Evangelos freaking out but I just set my phone down in the side table before coldly saying "I'm going to fucking kill you" Marco ran out of the room with me chasing him.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs I tackle him and start punching him a few times in the stomach and twice in the face hard but not as hard as I would have punched someone I wanted to hurt, I felt three people pull me off of him. Looking behind me I see Damon, Lucas and Angelo holding my arms and looking at me like i'm crazy.

Everyone is always looking at me like that so it doesn't bother me.

I looked around to find the bio parents surprised, Marco holding his broken nose, Zelda laughing her ass off and Oliver recording me, when I notice the camera I flip it off while shrugging out of the brothers hold, saying "Who's ready to eat?"
No one questioned me as we left to go eat.

Marco looks pissed. oops-

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