Welcome back [CHAPTER 2 PART 10]

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Firey shot right up, despite being especially tired. He needed to know what that sound was, and where it came from.

He checked his desk and there it was. The thing that made up his personality.

The thing he thought he didn't want. The thing he may have wanted.

It glimmered, and he put it on.

Almost immediately he felt a bolt of pain when he put it on, powers aren't exactly the easiest thing to harness.

A flurry of questions came to his head. Where did it come from? When did it come here?

It didn't matter anymore. The glasses were back and so was his powers. He felt alive again, as if he was finally himself. But the "he" that Firey knew has changed, hasn't it?

Firey stared at his reflection in the mirror, the familiar glow of his powerful glasses illuminating his eyes. With the glasses back on, he could feel the surge of energy flowing through him, reconnecting him to the elemental powers that were a part of his very being. But along with the power came a whirlwind of emotions and questions.

As he examined himself in the mirror, he couldn't deny that he felt different. The time without his powers had changed him in ways he couldn't quite grasp. He had grown used to a more relaxed and calmer demeanor, but now that his powers were back, he wondered if he could still maintain that sense of tranquility.

Firey: "Is this really who I am? The powerful being with these intense emotions?"

He remembered the moments when he felt vulnerable and unable to control his powers. He didn't want to go back to being the fireball of energy that he once was. Yet, he also couldn't deny the sense of completeness and purpose he felt when wearing his glasses.

As Firey was lost in his thoughts, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

Teardrop: "Firey, it's good to see you with your glasses back on."

Firey spun around, his eyes widening in shock. It was Teardrop, standing right there in front of him. But something didn't make sense. Teardrop lived in a different town, perhaps hours away from his home. How could she be here?

Firey: "Teardrop? What are you doing here? How did you...?"

Teardrop smiled warmly, knowing exactly what was going through Firey's mind.

Teardrop: "Surprised, huh? Well, I'm not physically here. I used my psychic abilities to project myself here so we could have a little chat."

Firey was both amazed and confused by Teardrop's psychic projection. It was something he had never seen before, even with his own powers.

Firey: "That's incredible! But why did you come all this way to talk to me?"

Teardrop's expression turned serious, and she placed a hand on Firey's shoulder.

Teardrop: "I came here because I sensed that you were going through a lot, especially after getting your glasses back. I wanted to make sure you're okay."

Firey: "How could you read my mind?"

Teardrop: "Well, isn't that obvious? I'm a psychic, so I can read your mind but let's get back to business."

Firey looked down, feeling a mix of emotions. He appreciated Teardrop's concern but also felt unsure about how to navigate the complexities of his powers and emotions.

Firey: "I don't know, Teardrop. This is pretty overwhelming."

Teardrop gently lifted Firey's chin, making him meet her gaze.

Teardrop: "Firey, remember that you're not just a powerful being; you're also a psychic. You have the ability to harness your powers and emotions in a way that brings balance to your life. Embrace your inner strength, and remember that you have the support of friends who care about you."

Firey took a deep breath, feeling a newfound sense of clarity. Teardrop's words resonated with him, reminding him of the capabilities he possessed.

He didn't want to say it, he always wanted to act tough and emotionless but...

Firey: "You're right, Teardrop."

Teardrop smiled, proud of Firey's realization.

Teardrop: "Exactly, Firey. You're strong, and you have a heart of gold. Embrace all parts of yourself, and you'll find the balance you seek."

Teardrop had a way with her words. She spoke like a motivator and a therapist.

As their conversation continued, Firey found comfort in Teardrop's guidance and understanding. They talked about the challenges he had faced without his powers, the growth he experienced, and the journey that lay ahead.

It was the first time in a while Firey had a serious conversation like that. It was the first time he felt something while wearing his glasses.

With Teardrop's psychic projection, they were able to delve deep into their thoughts and emotions, exploring the depths of Firey's being. It was a profound experience that allowed Firey to gain insight into his own psyche and the person he had become during his time without his powers.

As the psychic projection came to an end, Firey felt a sense of gratitude and newfound clarity. He knew that he would still face challenges, but with some more time he would be ready to embrace all aspects of himself—the powerful being with intense emotions, and the calmer, more balanced version of himself.

With that, Teardrop's projection dissipated, leaving Firey standing alone in the room. But he wasn't really alone; he knew that he had the support of his friends, who reminded him that he was more than just his powers. He was a person with depth, complexities, and the ability to navigate through life with strength and grace.

As Firey gazed out the window, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The journey ahead might not always be easy, but he was ready to embrace it with all its challenges and surprises. He's had the want of change for a while, he's always denied it. He's always wanted to be different, always like other people. Is this the time? The time to change?

And perhaps... say what he actually feels. What he feels about Leafy. The feeling that he's been suppressing for a while.


It's about time to wrap this book up.

(The writing wasn't proofread so there might be some mistakes hehe)

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