Passing letters [CHAPTER 2 PART 2]

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[Scene: Classroom - Firey's POV]

Firey: (Sigh) Another day, another class. These lessons are a walk in the park for me, having already aced them in a different dimension. But I can't escape this unfortunate situation. Leafy, the girl sitting next to me, is desperately trying to get my attention. I guess it's because I didn't talk to her this morning, and now she's fixated on me.

Firey glances at Leafy, who seems to be in a world of her own, daydreaming about who knows what.

Firey: She's pretty, I'll give her that. But falling in love? No thanks, I'd rather avoid any kind of relationship. (Oh? What's this under my desk?)

Firey discovers a letter tucked discreetly under his desk.

Firey: Oh, thank goodness it's not from Leafy! That would have been a disaster. Let's see... (Reading the letter) "Hey bro, you got lucky sitting there, right? Anyways, let's hope this school year won't be that bad. Lol. - Blocky, your bro."

Firey breathes a sigh of relief, grateful that it's just a letter from his friend.

Firey: Whew, that could have been worse. But wait, why does it feel like Leafy is watching me? Uh-oh, I think I caught her attention.

[Scene: Classroom - Leafy's POV]

Leafy: Why isn't he acknowledging me? I've been trying so hard to get his attention. Oh! He's opening a letter. Maybe I should give him one too!

Leafy hastily prepares a letter and hands it over to Firey.

Leafy: Um, here. Maybe he'll finally notice me if I give him this letter.

[Scene: Classroom - Firey's POV]

Firey: Another letter? Seriously?

Firey opens the letter and reads it, feeling a mix of curiosity and confusion.

Firey: "Hi Firey-kun! At least, I think that's your name. UwU. I was wondering, where do you head out after school? Just asking!"

Firey: Did she just call me "kun"? Already?

Firey contemplates Leafy's question, wondering why she's so interested in his whereabouts.

Firey: (Thinking) Why is she asking me this? If only I could read her mind...

Leafy: Teehee~ I hope you don't mind me asking!

Firey: (Blushing slightly) She's kinda cute, I guess. But come on, it's not like I'm falling for her. That was just a passing compliment.

Firey: Oh, I usually head to a mall after school's done. (Not like she'll find me, anyway. I'm not giving away too much information.)

Teacher: Hey! No talking in my class!

Leafy: Oh, sorry, mister! UwU

Teacher: Nevermind, carry on.

Firey: (Thinking) Seriously? The teacher doesn't see this as a problem? Ugh, she's making those cute faces again. I'm not looking!

[Scene: Classroom - Break Time]

Firey: Finally, some peace and quiet. Wait, who's that?

Firey notices Leafy entering the classroom, holding an impressive lunch.

Leafy: Oh, hi Firey-Kun! Didn't expect to see you here! Why aren't you in the cafeteria? (Is he perhaps a super popular idol like me? Is that why?)

Firey: Oh, I... just didn't feel like going.

Leafy: Hey, why aren't you eating anything!? You'll get tired if you don't!

Firey: (Wondering) Why is she acting so differently? But I suppose it doesn't bother me. I just don't have an appetite.

Leafy: (Thinking) Ah, I know! He's not eating to keep his body in shape because he's an idol like me! Maybe I should offer him some food...

Leafy: H-Hey... you can take some of mine!

Firey: (Surprised) She's acting really weird. I wish I could read her mind, but alas, I can't. I hope she's not already fantasizing...

Firey: Oh! Uhh... sure, thanks.

Leafy: (Shocked) Huh? He's not even surprised that I offered him my amazing cooking? Well, he'll be so happy when he tastes it!

Firey: (Trying the food) It's pretty good... Did you cook this? (I mean, I already know what her cooking tastes like, but do they seriously allow students to cook inside the classroom? She's probably getting special treatment because she's the "perfect girl" and all.)

Leafy: Oh, thanks! (Thinking) That's it? And how did he know it was my cooking? Does he eat five-star meals every day? Fine, I guess I'll just enjoy my own Wagyu steak by myself.

Firey: (Amused) She's eating A5 steak? These simps are something else.

[Scene: Classroom - Firey's POV]

Firey: (Observing Leafy) Well, now what? I haven't really looked at her closely before. Why is she so popular? Is she really that beautiful?

Firey continues to steal glances at Leafy, his curiosity growing with each passing moment.

Firey: (Continuing to observe Leafy) There's something intriguing about her. Maybe there's more to her than meets the eye. But I shouldn't get too caught up in this. I have my own reasons for keeping my distance.

As the minutes tick by, Firey finds himself growing more engrossed in his thoughts about Leafy. Meanwhile, the teacher continues with the lesson, oblivious to the budding tension in the classroom.

Teacher: Alright, class, time's up! Pack your bags and get ready to go home.

Firey snaps out of his reverie, realizing that the school day is coming to an end. He quickly gathers his belongings and prepares to leave.

Firey: (Thinking) Finally, I can escape this place and all the distractions. I need some time to clear my head.

Firey heads towards the classroom exit, ready to make his way to the mall as usual.

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