Ignoring [CHAPTER 2 PART 3]

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[Scene: Mall - Firey and Leafy's POV]

Firey enters the bustling mall, hoping to find solace and escape the persistent attention of Leafy. He walks with purpose, determined to enjoy some peace and quiet.

Firey: Finally, away from all the distractions. Maybe I can have a moment to myself without her constant presence.

Unbeknownst to Firey, Leafy has been tailing him discreetly, desperately trying to catch his attention. She observes his every move, devising a plan to break through his stoic facade.

Leafy: (Determined) Firey-Kun, I won't give up. I'll find a way to make you notice me. Just you wait!

Firey: (why is she acting like an anime girl?)

As Firey continues walking, he occasionally catches glimpses of Leafy's attempts to appear cute. She puts on a playful expression, twirls her hair, and tries to strike cute poses, hoping to evoke a response from him. But Firey remains silent, refusing to acknowledge her efforts.

Leafy: (Trying to appear cute) Firey-Kun, look at this adorable puppy! Isn't it just the cutest thing ever? UwU

Firey: (Remains silent, his gaze fixed ahead) (where did she even get that puppy?)

Leafy: (Determined) Firey-Kun, notice me! I can be cute too! Just give me a chance!

Despite Leafy's best efforts, Firey remains steadfast, his silence unbroken. Leafy grows increasingly frustrated, but she refuses to let it dampen her determination.

Leafy: (Playfully) Firey-Kun, look! that's a plushie of you!

Firey: (Remains silent, refusing to acknowledge Leafy) (I am not a marketable plushie.)

Leafy's attempts to catch Firey's attention become more exaggerated. She imitates the expressions of cute characters, says and does weird stuff with exaggerated gestures, and even attempts to mimic Firey's own silence. But still, Firey remains unresponsive.

Leafy: (Eager) Firey-Kun, why won't you react? Can't you see how adorable I'm being? Please, notice me!

Firey: (Continues to ignore Leafy, his determination unyielding)

Leafy's heart sinks as she realizes that her attempts to appear cute have fallen on deaf ears. She begins to doubt herself, wondering if she'll ever be able to break through Firey's walls.

Leafy: (Disheartened) Firey-Kun, am I not cute enough? Is there something wrong with me?

Firey: (everything is wrong with you.)

Unbeknownst to Leafy, Firey overhears her words but chooses to remain silent. He watches her walk away, conflicted by a mix of annoyance and guilt.

Firey: (Thinking) She doesn't understand. It's not about her appearance or cuteness. I just want to be left alone. Why can't she see that?

Firey remains resolute in his decision to ignore Leafy, walking through the mall with his eyes focused straight ahead. He is determined to block out any attempts she makes to capture his attention.

Firey: (Thinking) I wish she would just leave me alone. Why can't she take a hint? I have no interest in pursuing any kind of relationship. I've been fooled once already.

Leafy, her heart aching with every step, tries her best to keep up with Firey. She desperately seeks any sign of acknowledgment or recognition from him, but he remains silent and distant.

Leafy: (Thoughts) Why won't he even look at me? What did I do wrong? He was so nice at school, now... he's just ignoring me.

With each ignored attempt, Leafy's hope diminishes, replaced by an overwhelming sense of sadness. Tears well up in her eyes as she struggles to hold back her emotions.

Leafy: (Whispering) Firey, why won't you give me a chance? Can't you see how much I care? I thought we had a connection, but now it feels like I'm invisible to you.

As Leafy fights back tears, Firey continues to walk ahead, oblivious to the pain he is causing. His silence becomes a deafening rejection, amplifying Leafy's feelings of loneliness and heartache.

Firey: (I don't care about her cuteness... I don't.)

Leafy, unable to contain her emotions any longer, finds a secluded spot in the mall. Tears stream down her face as the weight of her unrequited affection becomes too heavy to bear.

Leafy: (Sobbing) Why? Why won't he see me? What did I do to deserve this? I just wanted him to notice me, to give us a chance?)
As the sobs rack her body, Leafy realizes that her efforts were in vain. Firey's persistent silence speaks volumes, crushing any remaining hope she held onto.

Firey, in his quest for solitude, unknowingly leaves Leafy behind, lost in her sorrow. The mall becomes a backdrop for her heartbreak, a place where her unrequited feelings hang heavy in the air.

Firey: I have a feeling that something is going to go wrong tomorrow.. Everyone loves Leafy, but I just ignored her. She seemed heartbroken, so I might want to prepare my abilities... I can anticipate a war breaking out.

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