ǝǝɹɥʇ ʎʇuǝʍʇ ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ

Start from the beginning

Yes, given Pei Hao's temperament, he might have gotten into a fight with someone over me (it's happened before). But based on what I know about him, he still has a sense of propriety. Would he really go so far as to send Cheng Yi to the emergency room just for splashing water on me in public? I find it hard to believe he would go that far.

Moreover, the way Cheng Yi looks... so... tsundere. Although Pei Hao has a quick temper, he knows the limits.

"So, do you know why he picked a fight with Cheng Yi?" Jin Yu continued to question.

I sighed, somewhat helpless, "It might be because Cheng Yi splashed me with water at the hotpot restaurant and Pei Hao ran into him."

"Splashed you with water? Cheng Yi?" Jin Yu was incredulous.


"Why would he..." Jin Yu started to say but stopped himself, as if he had figured something out.

"He seems to have misunderstood our relationship," I said with a hint of amusement, "He said I'm not good enough for you."

"..." Jin Yu seemed to be speechless for a half-minute. After a while, I heard his voice again, and it sounded much calmer, "If that's true, I'll personally apologize to him another day."

Even if Cheng Yi is a bit crazy, he's still Jin Yu's brother by blood. There's no point in getting entangled in this matter. Besides, Pei Hao has also sent Cheng Yi to the hospital.

I hurriedly replied, "No need, no need. I've been busy studying for exams recently."

"Sorry," Jin Yu said in a deep voice, "But your ex... Pei Hao, he really went too far!"

I don't know how seriously Cheng Yi is injured, or what's going on with Pei Hao. I just feel irritated by all of this.

The logic starts to make sense. Because Cheng Yi splashed water on me, Pei Hao fought with him, and then Jin Yu avenged his brother by beating Pei Hao. But I still don't know what Pei Hao will do to retaliate against Jin Yu once he's recovered. I don't even want to think about it.

Men are a bunch of creatures driven by adrenaline, doing impulsive things without thinking.

What's most frustrating is that all this mess is caused by me, even though I haven't done anything!

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he would do this," I felt tired, inexplicably drawn into a bunch of troubles without rhyme or reason, becoming the instigator.

At this moment, there was a commotion on Jin Yu's side of the call. He hastily said, "I've got something going on here, we'll talk later."

I hadn't even finished saying "okay," and he hung up the phone.

Three days later, Pei Hao appeared sitting on a chair in my residential complex downstairs, one leg encased in a thick cast.

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