uǝǝʇuǝʌǝs ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ

Comenzar desde el principio

On the day of the taste test, Jin Yu wasn't there. A waiter led me to a small private room and served me four or five dishes, all new items. I looked at them; there was no way I could finish them all by myself.

After the waiter served the last dish, she stood respectfully beside me and said, "Mr. Jin said you can start eating, he'll be here shortly."

I was puzzled, "Huh? Mr. Jin? Isn't he the supervisor?"

The waiter suppressed a smile, "He's our owner, not a supervisor."

As I thought back to the times I had seen Jin Yu, he indeed didn't seem like a supervisor at all. He looked more like someone in charge. But would the owner of a restaurant personally call customers to sample new dishes? I couldn't help but recall what Jing Ling had said during our previous meal. Even so, it was hard to believe.

With some doubts in my mind, I asked the waitress, "Do you always invite customers to sample new dishes before they are introduced?"

The waitress nodded, "Yes, every time before introducing new dishes, we invite some regular customers to sample them."

"Does your owner, Mr. Jin, accompany all the customers for tasting?" I continued asking.

"Of course not, Mr. Jin is also quite busy." The waitress shook her head, "He probably feels a connection with you to invite you."

That makes sense. I'm not someone with exceptional looks or charisma like Pei Hao, someone who could make people fall for them at first sight. Jin Yu seemed to have good conditions in all aspects. It's not easy to believe that he could be so easily influenced by what Jing Ling had said. Maybe he simply thought I was easy to get along with. Besides, how could I so easily meet someone who's gay? After thinking for a while, I still felt like I was reading too much into it.

I was halfway through my meal, wondering if I should pack the leftovers, when Jin Yu rushed in, looking a bit disheveled.

The moment he entered the room, he apologized, "I'm sorry, I got held up."

"It's okay, I told you not to worry if you're busy." I looked up at Jin Yu and noticed that he had ditched his usual casual style. He was neatly dressed, wearing a finely tailored suit. His hair was styled with gel, giving him a retro slicked-back look. He looked like he had just come from some formal occasion, so I couldn't help but tease him, "Mr. Jin, did you just finish meeting with the president?"

"Exactly, in the middle of the meeting, I told them the president and an important client were waiting for me, so I had to leave." Jin Yu took off his suit jacket, unbuttoned the cufflinks of his shirt, and continued along with my words, "You know, you have no idea how disapproving the president's look was."

I grinned, realizing he was quite good at bantering. Pointing at the food, I said, "Let's start eating, there's too much here for me to finish alone."

The waiter brought over a set of cutlery, and Jin Yu introduced each dish to me one by one, saying they were prepared for the Mid-Autumn Festival new menu, asking for my opinions. I wasn't a food connoisseur, so I briefly shared my thoughts on each dish.

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