12. silence

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In the cold grip of captivity, Y/N found herself trapped in a nightmare. Days stretched on with brutal monotony, marked by dehydration, dwindling sustenance, and the agony of her bruises. Her body's endurance was waning, her spirit unwavering, until one day, the weight became too much. Overcome by thirst, hunger, and pain, Y/N's world dimmed, and she succumbed to the darkness, her body finally surrendering to unconsciousness.

Vegas POV

Amidst the echoing remnants of the argument with my father, a tempest of anger surged through me as I stormed into the dimly lit room. The air crackled with tension, mirroring the tempestuous emotions that swirled within me. Yn, the captive figure huddled in the corner, her endurance palpable, became both a beacon of hope and a target for my frustration.

"Why the hell are you so silent?" My voice reverberated against the walls, the words a mix of pent-up frustration and concern. The room bore witness to my rampage, objects sent crashing to the floor in an outward display of my inner turmoil. "Curse me, damn it! Yell at me like you always do!"

But Yn remained silent, her gaze fixed on some distant point beyond me. The hollowness in her eyes sent a chill down my spine, replacing my anger with a gnawing worry that clenched at my heart.

Rushing toward her, I dropped to my knees before her, my fingers reaching out to brush against her cheek. The trembling in my hand mirrored the tumult of emotions that churned within me. "Yn, please," I pleaded, my voice now laced with raw vulnerability. "Don't shut me out like this. I can't bear it."

The seconds stretched into an agonizing eternity as her silence persisted, the weight of it pressing down on me like a heavy shroud. Fear clawed at the edges of my consciousness, and I wondered what horrors she might have endured during her captivity.

Then, like a distant light breaking through the darkness, a flicker of recognition danced in Yn's eyes. Our gazes locked, and in that instant, the world seemed to pause, hanging on the precipice of possibility. I glimpsed the strength that had drawn me to her, a spark of resilience amidst the desolation.

Urgently but tenderly, I pulled her into my arms, a fierce protectiveness swelling within me. The anger that had consumed me now transformed into an unwavering determination to shield her from harm. Holding her close, I whispered reassurances against her hair, promising to bridge the gap that had grown between us—both from our arguments and the shadows that had plagued her.

With a newfound urgency, I gently laid Yn on the bed and rushed to retrieve the first aid kit. My movements were swift but precise as I gathered the necessary supplies. As I returned to her side, my fingers trembled slightly, a mixture of worry and determination coursing through me. Carefully, I began tending to her injuries, my focus solely on her well-being.

The antiseptic sting and the rustling of bandages seemed to fill the room, a rhythmic dance of care amidst the chaos that had unfolded earlier. I worked swiftly, my hands steady despite the whirlwind of emotions that had overtaken me.

Just as I was finishing up, a stirring from the bed caught my attention. My heart skipped a beat as Yn's eyes fluttered open, her gaze locking onto mine. Relief surged through me like a tidal wave, overwhelming the fear that had gripped me moments before. She was awake, she was okay. 


My senses stirred as I gradually regained consciousness, my eyes fluttering open to the dimly lit room. What I saw took me by surprise an image of Vegas, the man who had stormed in with a whirlwind of emotions, was now quietly tending to my injuries. A mixture of astonishment and gratitude welled up within me.

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