5. rest in peace

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 I felt a sense of relief knowing that Khun Kinn and Porsche had returned safely, despite the attack they had faced. The boys had handled the situation with great skill and professionalism.

As the situation with rival gangs escalated, I, along with Chan, engaged in discussions with our associates. The gangs were becoming bolder, encroaching on our territory. I couldn't help but think it was a foolish move on their part, considering the severe consequences that awaited anyone who challenged us.

Big voiced his belief that someone must be orchestrating these small gangs' actions, as they wouldn't dare challenge us without outside influence. I concurred with his assessment and revealed our plan to send someone undercover into the casino to gather information and uncover the mastermind behind these actions.

After a few hours, the boys returned with an individual who, while not Don himself, seemed to have associations with him. This was a promising development in our efforts to get to the bottom of the situation. With Khun Vegas also present at the casino, we were now prepared to confront Don and those behind the escalating gang problems.

Porsche and I looked over at Big, who was punching the guy repeatedly in the stomach

Are you gonna talk or not?"

Big yelled, Then started punching him again. "

Hey, that's enough! He could die!"

Pete called Big

"Yeah seriously take it easy we need him alive to get answers."

I told Big.

"Oooh, didn't know you could be this powerful YN "

I looked over at Vegas who had a smirk on his face.

Vegas smiled, and then looked back at the guy.

"Let me try."

He said.

Porsche and I exchanged concerned glances as Big continued to brutally interrogate the person, ignoring the potential consequences of his actions.

"Hey, that's enough! He could die!" Pete's voice cut through the tension in the room, echoing our concerns. I added, "Yeah, seriously, take it easy. We need him alive to get answers," my voice trying to maintain a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

Then, Vegas entered the cell, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. His words didn't alleviate that feeling.

"What are you doing, Mr. Vegas?" Pete asked, clearly wary of his intentions.

"Let me try, I've got my own method," Vegas responded cryptically. He opened a briefcase filled with tools and a plastic coat, sending a shiver down our spines.

"I think you all should go wait outside. You could lose your appetite," he suggested, his demeanor eerie and unsettling.

 We all nodded at each other, sharing a mix of anxiety and anticipation. As we left the cell, I couldn't help but glance nervously back at Vegas, whose actions had sent chills down our spines.

Once outside the cell, we stood in a group, each of us wincing at the sounds of pain emanating from within. Porsche and I had turned our backs completely, unable to bear the gruesome scene, while the others remained nearby, their faces reflecting the discomfort and unease they felt.

The man's agonized screams filled the air until, finally, Vegas emerged from the cell, announcing, "He spoke."

I couldn't help but think, "Yeah, no shit, Vegas. Who wouldn't under those circumstances?

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