8. I do!!

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* would recommend you to listen to do I wanna know? By Arctic Monkeys*

YN pov 

The dim, yellowish light revealed the gloomy surroundings, and my heart pounded as I realized the gravity of the situation. Trapped, bound, and vulnerable, I strained against the tight restraints, feeling the pain and numbness intensify. Panic coursed through my veins as I heard the approaching footsteps.

"Vegas..." I whispered, my voice trembling. He loomed closer, his presence dominating the room, and his warm hand caressed my cheek.

"My plan is all ruined because of you... love," he hissed, his tone sending shivers down my spine. His words hung in the air, laden with menace, as he continued, "Don't you think a little girl like you should be punished?"

Dread washed over me as I realized the perilous predicament I was in, and I could only brace myself for whatever he had in store.

As Vegas continued to hold me captive, his eyes bore into mine, a complex tapestry of emotions flickering within them. My heart raced, a mixture of fear and uncertainty coursing through me. His thumb caressed my cheek gently, almost in stark contrast to the grim situation.

"Sweet," he whispered, his smirk turning into a smile, though it did little to alleviate the tension in the room.

Suddenly, a bodyguard burst into the basement, his breath heavy and voice shaky. He delivered a message that sent Vegas into a fit of anger.

"K-Khun Vegas, Mr. Kan has ordered you to go to the safehouse as soon as possible. The main family has put you on the blacklist."

"Those bastards!" Vegas exclaimed, venting his frustration by kicking a nearby table before taking a seat in front of me.

The revelation left me with a mixture of relief and dread. I couldn't help but wonder how this sudden twist might affect my own precarious situation

Vegas continued to taunt me, his words laced with a twisted sense of amusement. He seized my phone and started texting someone, making plans for a vacation as if my situation were nothing more than a casual conversation.

"Kinn just gave the permission," he announced, showing me the text with a wicked grin.

My heart sank as he then turned his attention back to me, his hands gripping my cheeks tightly. He revealed Lisu's contact number and a sense of dread washed over me.

"What are you trying to do?" I pleaded desperation in my voice. "Leave her alone, please, I'm begging you. Do whatever you want with me, but please don't touch her. She's innocent!"

I couldn't bear the thought of Lisu getting dragged into this dangerous game.

My heart raced as Vegas made the call to Lisu, and I could hear the conversation unfolding. My stomach churned with anxiety as he handed me the phone, his menacing gaze never leaving mine.

"Hello, is this Lilly? I'm YN's friend from work," I said, my voice trembling. "I was planning to go on a trip with YN for a while, so because of that, she won't be able to come home for a while. Are you okay with that?"

I listened as Lisu responded, and relief washed over me when she agreed, though it was clear she was upset about not being informed earlier. I couldn't help but feel guilty for involving her in this dangerous situation. he passed me the phone.

as I was talking to Lisu His finger touched my neck,  His hands went from the sides of my head and down to my neck, out to my shoulders, and down to my hands. My heart is about to beat out of my chest and I close my eyes and take a deep breath out.

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