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YN pov

I was scrolling through my notifications when I happened to overhear two bodyguards talking about Khun Kinn giving Porsche some sort of punishment. The reason behind it was shrouded in mystery, and I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of concern.

Breathing heavily from the rush of anxiety, I hurried to the gym area where I found Ken and Big, hoping they might have more information.

"Where's Porsche?" I asked urgently, my voice betraying my worry.

"He went back to his room," Big replied, his expression tense.

Not wasting a moment, I made my way to Pete and Porsche's room. As I entered, I saw Pete emerging from the bathroom, and the questions and uncertainties surrounding Porsche's punishment continued to gnaw at my mind. I needed to uncover the truth and make sure Porsche was okay.

I approached Pete and asked, "Where's Porsche, Pete?"

"He's inside," Pete replied.

With a heavy heart, I slowly opened the door to find Porsche inside, tears streaming down his face. I rushed to his side, wrapping my arms around him, and he cried even harder against my shoulder. After a while, I helped him with first aid before leaving the room, understanding that he needed some time alone to collect himself.

Later, Porsche said his goodbyes to me before he left. He had grown weary of Khun Kinn's behavior and sought permission from Mr. Korn to take some time off. Fortunately, Mr. Korn granted his request, providing him with a much-needed break from the situation.

I was in my room, dancing to the rhythm of "Vibe" by Taeyang and Jimin, fully immersed in the music and not caring about the world around me. 

"You Know We Got That Vibe Baby
Till The Sun Rises
Look At Me, Look At Me, I Got The Vibe
Look At Me, Look At Me, I Got The Vibe"

However, my moment of bliss was abruptly interrupted as Khun Kinn entered the room.

Shiaaa," I greeted him with surprise. "Khun Kinn, what brings you here, sir?"

"Have you seen Porsche?" he asked, his tone grave. I shook my head.

"He's gone."

"Where?" Kinn inquired further.

"He's been gone since yesterday," I replied.

"Who gave him this order?" Kinn's voice took on a more assertive tone.

"Mr. Korn."

"He's getting a week off," Kinn revealed, sounding frustrated as he let out a sigh. "Has he told you anything lately?"

"Khun Kinn," I called out as he turned around.

"I don't know what's going between you two, but Porsche may seem hot-tempered on the outside. But he's actually quite sensitive on the inside. He's sweet. If you want to have a good conversation with him, you need to be patient and calm. You can't be yelling at him," I earnestly conveyed.

"Yn..." He uttered my name.

"Yes, sir?" I responded, preparing myself for a potential scolding.

"Thank you," he said, offering me a genuine smile before leaving the room.

With Khun Kinn's departure and the reassurance of the door lock, I let out a sigh of relief and decided to continue dancing to the rhythm of the music, letting the vibe take over once more.

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