Chapter 16: New student

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Chapter 16: New student

A new character or a character that has been already there but in disguise. Let's see.


George's POV
We were in our classroom. The math teacher had been called to principal's office so she had to leave us alone for the a few of minutes. I was finishing the equation she made us do before going.

As I was almost done, I looked at every one. Some of them were chatting with each other, some were finishing their assignment like I did and some were sleeping, including Skeppy who was on the seat next to me the whole time. I shook my head and continued resolving equations.

Then I heard footsteps coming from outside the classroom, even through all of the chitchat, my enhanced hearing helped me to distinguish two different person walking. Then the door opened and all the talking suddenly went silent.

When the two person stepped in, my spider sense began acting up. The first person to enter was our math teacher and behind her was someone I've never met before. But I could have sworn I saw her somewhere. I couldn't exactly focus, the spider sense was somewhat louder.

I poked the sleeping Skeppy next to me, signaling him that the teacher was back. He groggily sat up and rubbed his eyes. I turned back to the two in front. "Class, we have a new student who had entered our school today. Could you please introduce yourself?" The teacher said, gesturing to the girl next to her.

"Hello. My name is Minx. Justa Minx." She said, smiling. My spider sense got louder and louder. I couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything. I didn't feel well at all. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and my sight didn't seem blurred when I saw Skeppy. He mouthed "Are you okay?" Since I couldn't hear him, I figured he whispered it. I nodded and began to regain stability again.

I noticed that the girl was sitting on a seat in back. I glanced slightly at her and she seemed to be already looking at me. I quickly turned around. "Is there something wrong with the newbie?" I heard Skeppy ask. "Well.. I don't know. I-I just feel something bad." I muttered, trying to focus back on the class.

The bell rang and Skeppy and I were walking towards our lockers. When I felt my spider sense tingle again, I turned around saw the girl- Minx- approaching the both of us. It was only there that I finally recognized her. She was the girl from the other day. (Check chap 14)

"Hey there are you George Davidson?" She asked looking at me. I nodded quickly, and choose to ignore my spider sense for a while. "The principal said you were the one who will give a tour of the school.” she stated. "I-I ... Yes.. Of course" I walked towards her and told Skeppy I'd see him later. He nodded at me and I thought he glared at Minx for an instance but shrug it off.

Let the tour begin.

Skeppy's POV
The devilish smirk on that girl's face send me chills. George was right, something feels bad about her. I didn't trust her at all with George. Who knows what kind of person she is really. I can't let her hurt George in any mean possible.

So I started following them discreetly from behind.

They were now walking in the library. And I was behind the bookshelves, spying on them through the books. I was so focused on the two that I didn't hear someone behind me. Then they tapped on my shoulder and I jumped, letting out a scream. All the persons in the library turned around to see who screamed and when they saw nothing they got back to there reading or whatever they were doing.

I turned around and saw my boyfriend, Badboyhalo. I exhaled loudly, relieved to see that it was only him. "Geppy, what are you doing here?" He asked me, with a confused and stern look, probably because I don't go in the library to much and whenever I do, I always prank him and it's always very funny.... Well for me.

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