Chapter 3: The ex-troublemaker is befriending with the nerd

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Chapter 3: The ex-troublemaker is befriending with the nerd

(Couldn't find any other title)
TW: bullying, fighting


George's POV
It was the next day and I was excited to Zak again. Then when I was about to go to my class, I was stopped by someone. The person dragged me to a dark hall. I looked up to them and saw a troublemaker. "You're the nerd who helped the traitor". He said with a devilish smirk on his face. I got scared and tried to run away but he grabbed my hand, squeezing hit hard. I yelled in pain but he didn't care. He then pushed me, releasing his grip. I fell on the floor and my glasses fell off my face. I was terrified, I couldn't see anything any more.

Then a punch came and hit my face. My tears started to fall down my cheeks. "Aww, such a crybaby." He laughed maniacally. It was then that I heard someone's footsteps, coming towards us. I turned to see who it was and saw blurred figure. And the figure started to talk : "Hey d!ckhead, why don't you fight with someone the same size as you". The troublemaker just laughed once more and responded with "As if you were the same siz-". He got interrupted by a kick on his guts and then got another on his face. And when he thought there were no more, he received a punch that made him flew to the wall. (Wow, the person must be buff)

I tried to find my glasses but couldn't feel them anywhere on the floor. Then a hand grabbed my chin gently and made me look up to them. They put my glasses on me and only then I saw them clearly. It was Alexis. I was surprised to see him. And that also meant that he saved me from the troublemaker. He helped me up and lead me to the nursery, without a word, before leaving.

~Time skip~ brought by my lazy a$$

I finished my first period. Zak was there and got worried because of the bruise on my face but I told him it was fine.

Then I dumped onto someone. I was about to apologize when the person turned around. I saw Clay and he smirked. "Hello, ner-" he cut himself off. He was inspecting my face and his smug expression turned into an angered one. There was concern in his eyes but I wasn't sure. I suddenly got confused at how he acted. He was about to cut my cheek but Zak slapped his hand away and walked away dragging me with him. I turned to see Clay, and he was looking at me with worried eyes. I felt bad for him but shook my head and continued walkong with Zak.

As Zak and I were talking in the corridor, someone approached us. It was Alexis. Again. "Hey, Alexis" I greeted. "Sup, nerd" he greeted back. "Wait, you guys know each other?" Zak said doubtful and mostly annoyed by the presence of the troublemaker.

I nodded and Alexis responded with " Of course, we do, Zak... Or what was that nickname again? Sketchy? Geppy? Pepsi?". "It's Skeppy" Zak snapped, giving him a death glare. "Calm down Sketchy.... You don't wanna fight in front of the cinnamon roll" Alexis said smugly, annoying Zak even more. "Guys! Stop! You don't need to fight... And who is the cinnamon roll?" I exclaimed. The both of them just laughed and told me that it was me. I blushed in embarrassment and looked down. 

"Why don't you go hang out with your gang?" Zak asked out of nowhere. "No. They aren't my gang any more. I'm no longer a troublemaker.... Plus one of them hurt cinnamon roll, so why would I stay with them." Alexis told us. Then Zak gasped, looking at me "So they were the one who punched you?"  Zak demanded with a murderous tone. I personally got scared at the sudden tone change. He saw it and calmed down.

"I'm gonna kick their butts, if I see them" he said and Alexis laughed. "Kick them with what? Daddy's money" he laughed more. "You wanna know maybe?" Zak replied, glaring at the now ex-troublemaker. "Pffft, try me" Alexis snapped.

"Skeppy! Quackity! stop!" I exclaimed and they both looked at me in awe. "Did you just call me by my nickname?" They said at the same time. It amused me. "If there is no problem, of course" I giggled slightly. "It's no problemo mi amigo" Quackity exclaimed with joy on his face. "You can call me Skeppy as much as you want" Skeppy added with the same joy on face. And we laughed together.

That's all for today folks. See ya in the next chap!

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