Chapter 1: Troublemakers

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Chapter 1: Troublemakers

Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
My mind is telling me: run as fast as you can~
...... Continue the lyrics.

TW: beating up, a bit of blood, cursing.


George's POV
It was Monday morning. And I woke up by my alarm beeping. I kicked it with my fist as I got up, not wanting to hear it anymore. Then I realised I still needed to see the time, so I put my glasses on and picked the alarm back up. I looked at the time and panicked immediately. It was 8:10 am. School starts at 7:30. I was late.

I regret sleeping late so much, now. I was just trying to make my special goggles. Those goggles will show the emotions of the one who wears them by animating some little icons on the glasses. I was so focused on them that I forgot I had school last night. Uggghh.

I changed my PJs into anything that I could find on the floor of my bedroom. As I completely finished to dress up, I ran to the bathroom after I put my glasses gently on the night table. I washed my face and brushed my teeth quickly. Then I ran back to my bedroom, wore my glasses once again and checked on my books and homework before putting them in my bag.

I ran to the living room with my bag. Once I arrived there, I saw no one. Grigory must have left long ago. I felt a little bit sad because I could say goodbye to him.

I took an apple from the fridge and ate it as a breakfast. Then I headed out of the apartment, running down the stairs like a crazy man, bumping and apologizing to the people. And finally, I got out of the building.

I started to run towards the school, almost getting hit by the cars that passed by. Once I arrived there, I was panting heavily. I wasn't really good at PE. I took some time to take back my breath and started walk down the corridor which was deserted. There was no one, they were all in class.

I started to walk towards my locker but then I heard some noises coming from another corridor. Curious, I walked towards the source of the noises. Then I saw the troublemaker gang, it was like they were beating someone. I didn't know who it was but it looked like they were bleeding due to the punches.

I didn't know what got onto me at that instant but I still took all my courage and charged towards them. As I got closer, I pushed one of them away. The troublemaker fell on the ground, yelping in pain. The others saw what I did and one of them tried to punch me in the face. I was so scared and covered my face with my arms.

I started trembling but surprised. The punch never came. I pushed my arms aside slowly and saw the person they were beating earlier. I recognized him as Alexis Hamilliams or as the well known Quackity, a member of the troublemaker gang. He had bruises on his face and some blood pouring down his fore head. That left me to wonder why they were beating him up.

Then Alexis pushed the troublemaker away and grabbed my arm before starting to run away from the others.

As we were now far away from the gang, Alexis let go of my hand and started screaming at me. "WHAT THE F^CK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He looked at me with an angry expression, I gulped silently as he continued to glare at me. "I-I'm so-sorry" I stuttered, getting more scared. "WHAT WERE THE F^CK YOU THINKING?" He yelled once more. "I-I just wanted to help you" I said and looked at him. His expression had softened a little but he still glared at me.

Then he pushed me and walked off to go to the nursery. "Thanks" I heard him mutter but I wasn't really sure.

The bell started ringing and I walked towards my locked.

That's all folks. I know it's short but I'm tired. See ya in the next chap.

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