Chapter 13: The night terror

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Chapter 13: The night terror

A monster is attacking British citizen. Will our heroes stop it? Read to find out.



George's POV

"Breaking news: a new terror appeared in the night. The new monster in question is attacking multiple citizens at night. We've send police officers to capture the beast but it was in vain. Even MI-6 was involved, saying it must a failed experiment that escaped from an unknown place. The London protectors, our superheroes, seemed to be already aware of the situation. All the citizens are in danger as long as the beast is running around. When will his beast be stop-”

A flustered Grigory turned off the TV. "Gosh, it's all over the news" he exclaimed, clearly annoyed by all the trouble. "I just don't understand why people need to create something like that just to ruin other people's life" he sighed and turned me. "How is the Shepard pie going?” he asked me, who was cooking in the kitchen. "Great it's done I think." I replied as I pulled it out of the oven and he nodded.

He walked into the kitchen and began preparing the table. "You know George" he sudden said and I hummed in response. "I've gotten a paid internship at a company a bit far away from here" he replied and I turned to him as I put the warm dish on the table. "That's good for you, Grigory" I smiled "I'm proud of you" he returned the grin but then sighed. "George, thank you. But that would also mean that I won't be at home often" That made my grin fall. He wasn't going to be home.

"I'm sorry but you've to be alone most of the days, since I'll be at my friends house, working and studying at the same time" He said once he noticed my face. He tried to reassure me saying that he would be home at some time and still send me money regularly. I hugged tightly as some tears poured down my face. He hugged me back and rubbed my back. "I know it's going to be a little hard but I know we will work out it okay" I nodded, my sobs becoming louder. I knew this wasn't a goodbye or something but I haven't been away from Grigory ever since our mom died.

After some time, we enjoyed our dinner in silence. We talked it out and he told me that he would be gone tomorrow morning and come back in a week. He told me he left food in the fridge and will send me the money later on. As we went to bed and he gave a goodnight (platonic) kiss on the forehead and left, leaving me alone in my bedroom. Alone with my thoughts.

~Time skip~

I was now in the school library. I couldn't really focus on anything. My mind was directed at Grigory, who was now away from home and at the night terror, ruining the night of the British. I was mentally exhausted but yet, here I am, playing chess with the chess club president.

"And check mate" Bad said in a slight enthusiasm before he looked at me. "Are you okay? You seem distressed" he asked with a worrying tone. He must have asked me some more questions but I was too much in my thoughts, I didn't hear it. "George" I felt a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my world. I finally looked at Bad who was still looking at me with worry.

"Oh, I'm-I'm fine, yeah" I reassured with an ensure voice. He didn't buy it, he looked even more skeptical. I just looked down and sighed. "My big brother won't be at home as often as he is, Bad. And I miss him already" I explained, then looking at him again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't talk about those kind of things. You probably have some other stuff to do and now I'm just boring you with my-" "Hey calm down muffin head. It's fine." He reassured, standing up before coming towards me to give me a hug, which I returned gladly. We pulled away and began changing the subject. "So how is Skeppy?" I teased, and his face went red.

~Time skip~ {again, sorry}

Third POV
Spider-not-found had decided to modify the schedule he put for himself. He choose to go on patrol whenever he would like it. As in result, he went on patrol that night.

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