Chapter 11: Training

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Chapter 11: Training

George testing out his powers. + a bit of dnf
Enjoy! Tw: none

George's POV
It has been a week ever since the chronos incident. I have been modifying my schedule for a little while now and I've decided to go on patrol on Wednesday and weekends nights and he rest will be for school, work and of course time with my loved ones.

I'm still very new in the hero-world. I barely knew how to fight and I have no idea on how this is going to turn out. So I'm going to train. I'm going to test my abilities and make better use of it.

I was in my bedroom, sitting on the ceiling. I've been invisible for 15 minutes now. At some points, I've started to feel like I was going to go back to normal and at that moment I knew my invisibility had limits. But I'm hoping on making it last longer.

Then I heard footsteps coming towards my bedroom, and soon after a knock came onto my door. With that I tried to get back down but while standing up slightly, I lost my balance and fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ouch!" As I groaned in pain due to my fall, the bedroom door bursted open and my big brother ran in, immediately checking on me. "George what happened? Are you hurt?" He asked while inspecting at me, looking for injuries. "I'm fine Grigs. I just tripped hehe" I reassured, he seemed to believe it. He sighed before getting up, pulling me up with him. "You sure there nothing that is hurting?" he asked one more time. I nodded and told him I was fine once again.

Then he remembered what he came here for. "Mrs. Robinson wanted to see you. She wanted me to tell to come to her apartment." He explained and I nodded. I put on my shoes and began to go to Mrs. Robinson's apartment. Grigory just went to his bedroom.

Once at the elder lady's apartment, I knock on the door and she opened a short moment after. "Georgie, my sweet little plum, come in come in" she said as she widened the entrance of her apartment. I went in and greeted her. "Hello Mrs. Robinson. How are you?" "Oh, I'm doing great sweet plum. Would you like to have some chocolate flavored biscuits for you and your brother?" She asked politely while heading to her kitchen. I sat down on her sofa, while waiting for her. "I would love to, Mrs Robinson."

After a few minutes she came back with a plate of freshly baked biscuits on her hand. I stood up and was about to get closer to her to help her. But she just laughed and told me to sit back down. And so I did. She handed some biscuits and ate some eagerly. She laughed and told me why she called me here.

"Georgie, I need a favor. But don't worry it is quite simple and you'll get biscuits as a reward. Could you buy me some flowers at the flower shop two blocks away from here, please? I'm not feeling very well and my bones aren't as healthy as they were back then. I'll give the money for it." I nodded and agreed to help her, she gave 10.00£ and told me to get her pink tulips, if there wasn't any, I could choose another type of flower. I nodded again, gently taking the money and began to head out of the apartment.

As I walked out of my building, I could already see the flower shop. I've never seen it before, it must have opened some time ago but I didn't notice. I started walking towards the shop, and when I got closer, I saw a similar figure. Then I saw him. Clay, again. Why do we have to always meet? At school. At the ferris wheel. And now here?

I groaned slightly as I approached. Then I noticed that he was wearing an apron, he was crouching down and putting flowers inside of dirt filled pots. Was he working there? I walked cautiously next to him. He didn't seem to notice me yet. I clear my throat so he could hear. And then he looked at me.

His eyes widened as he looked at me. He immediately stood up and glared at me. "What are you doing here?" He growled at me. I got scared at the harsh tone and just wanted to turn invisible and run, but I didn't. I needed to get the pink tulips.

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