Christopher! Christopher Stop!

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As soon as Spencer and I walk into the house, me clinging onto his arm, trying not to trip over my own feet.
"Scarlett Gilmore" my mom's voice rings in my ear from the living room and we turn.
My mom's sitting there, book on her lap, a stern look on her face "Spencer, please go home"
"He's can't" I tell her
"Why not?"
"Hotch drove us"
"I'll call a cab"
I turn to Spencer "go wait in the treehouse"
Spencer gives my mother a tight lipped smile, and walks out the door.

"Are you drunk?" She asks
"Oh my god" my rubs her forehead "listen, your grounded"
"What the fuck why?"
"Are you seriously asking why? Do you not remember trading your dad for your boss" she snaps
"For the last time, he's not my dad-"


Both mom and me snap our heads to the window, and hear another scream of pain, and I run out the door, tripping on my dress and landing on the deck, my mom rushing past me to the lawn.

In the middle of the lawn, is Spencer, my dad on top of him, beating him up...

"No!" I yell, getting up and assisting mom pulling dad off.

"Christopher! Christopher stop!" Mom yells, grabbing his arm and pulling him off of Spencer, and pushes him inside

"Spencer!" I drop to my knees and look at him. He has a black eye, he has a bruise on his left temple, and his cheek is bleeding.

"Im fine, red" He mummbles, sitting up and wiping his face with his hand.
"Your clearly not"

"ive been through worse" He says light hearted-ly "remember when we were kidnapped and drugged?"

Spencer flahses a tight lipped smile as he stands up, and I take spencers hand, and guide him inside, I glance toward the kitchen, and see mom and dad sitting down talking and I turn to spencer.
"Ill meet you up in my room, okay?"

He nods and i watch as he limply walks up the stairs and disapears into the hallway. I take a second to take a deep breath and take off my shoes, gloves and tiara, and walk into the kitchen, ignoring my moms glares as I open the freezer and take out a tray of ice cubes, i walk over to the counter and get a baggy, and I crack the ice cubes out of the tray, and pour them into the bag.
I toss the tray back into the freezer and slam the door.

"fill the tray back up, Scarlett" my mother orders, her voice laced with anger. I glare at her, zipping the baggy shut and walking upstairs and into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

Spencers not in the bedroom when I walk in, I peak into the bathroom and see him shirtless, examining the bruises on his face, bleeding cheek and black eye.
"Here" I say, handing him the bag, and he sets it on his eye and winces.
I stand behind him, runnign my fingers along his bruised back. "why is your back covered in marks?"

"when I was walked out of the house, he just pulled up in his car and jumped out and pounced on me like a fucking lion" He says,  running a hand through his hair, getting all the dirt and grass out. "This white suit is definetley ruined"

I ruffle his hair, and more grass comes out "Why dont you go have a shower, ill get us coffee"

He nods, and I kiss his shoulder as I walk out of the bathroom, and down into the kitchen, mom and dad are now sitting in the living room, and when i turn the coffee maker on, Rory walks out of her bedroom.

"hey" She says, sitting down on the island, and spreads her homework out of the table infront of her, shes wearing a onzie and has a pencil holding up her hair.

"hi" i mummble, getting three mugs ready as the coffee pours into the pot.

"is Spencer alright?" She asks, tapping her pen onto the table.
"Hes fine, just some bruises and a black eye" I pour the three cups full and hand her one.
"What happened? Like why did that" She takes the coffee "thanks"

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