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Im in the hospital for another five days. two to make sure im not kill myself again or something, they exstract the bullet from my lower arm on day three, then day four and five I have to stay to make sure I dont get an infection or anything.

I stand in the mirror, wearing a skirt and a button down shirt, unbuttoned, looking at the large bandage i have on my chest where the bullet went it, frowning to myself. My alarm sounds and I grab my bag and make my way downstairs and into the car.

Once i arrive at the school, i go in through the office, and knock at the headmasters door. "Come in" I take a deep breath and walk in, meeting Headmaster Charleston's smiling face sitting at his desk

"Ms. Gilmore, please come in, take a seat, would you like a tea?" He says. i shake my head "im sorry but I actually have something to do after this" He nods

"first, im sorry to bother you on your summer break-" I get cut off "its fine actually, i was actually wanted to talk about your next year classes-"

"About that"


"Lory!" I hear my moms footsteps walk up the stairs as i put on my black t-shirt. Her head peaks in the door and smiles "Hey, how was therapy?"

"Theraputic" I tease, zipping up the zipper on my blue jeans, and then throwing on my converse. "mhm" she says "two things, one, Rory is gonna go do some last minute school shopping, you want anything?"

"I wont be needing anything" I tell her, standing infront of my mirror and brushing my hair. "Why?" she questions. I turn around to face her "I got the headmaster to let me graduate"

She blinks "W-what?"

"ya, he said my grades were outstanding, and that I didnt need to continue school" I go over to my bed and toss a rolled up peice of paper to her "here, my deploma"

We talk a little more then she asks "are you coming downstairs to meet Jess?"

"Jess?" I question. "Yeah. lukes nephew, hes staying here for a bit, theyre coming over for supper."

"I wish i could, but the criminals are calling" I joke, grabbing my fbi vest off my chair and putting it on. "Do you guys have a case?"

I shake my head "no, just some basic training really" She nods and i grab ,y gun holster and strap it to my jeans, and my mom frowns "Lory-"

"I know mom, we dont have to go through this conversation again, bye, love you" I walk right past her, downstairs and into my car.

My mom hates now that I work with guns. and i understand completely after what happened, but i need to be protected, plus, she insits on keeping it in a gun safe.

I hop out of my car and walk in, since its in the middle of breakfast and lunch, not many people are here, but i dont see luke, so i slip into the kitchen and start making myself a mango smoothie.

I hear tapping behind me, and my breathe hitches, i pull my gun out of my holster and spin around, aiming it at whoever was standing there

"Woah woah woah, officer, i havent done anything" The cute boy raises his hands in surrender, a spark in his eye, and i let out a sigh of relief, and put my gun back "you scared the shit out of me" I tell him, turning back to the machine and taking my smoothie out, putting on a lid and an orange straw this time. "Maybe you shouldnt sneak around" He counters, and I roll my eyes as i pass him and he follows me, black hair spiky and hot "Hey FBI, you gonna pay for that?" I grab a bag and put five dounuts in, knowing that grandma has her brunch at this time

"Nope" i say, and walk through the door, drink and bag in hand. I drive to grandmas house, i let myself in and walk out to the patio

"Lory!" SHe exclaims, shes sitting at a round table with some other ladys, sipping ea and eating tiny sandwitches "what a suprise"

"hey grandma" I say "Sorry to butt in like this, but i knew you were having brunch, and i brought donuts" i say, setting the bag on the tables

"well, thank you dear" Grandma kisses my cheek "come meet my friends, ladys, id liek you to meet my grandaudghter Lory"

"Hello Lory" One of them says she has beautiful ginger hair, i smile back at her "nice to meet you"

"my goodness what a pretty girl you are" a blonde one says, "she looks just like Lorelai dosent she?"

"The hair"

"The nose"

"walk around sweetie"

"Sunny leave her alone"

"i just want to see if she has the walk, lorelai has a specific walk"


"that was it"

"Come sit would you like some tea?" Grandma asks, my mouth basically watered at the mention but i had to refuse.

"sorry, i just came to bring the donuts, Hotch is expecting me"

"ah yes, ladys, Lory interns at the BAU, they work with the FBI on catching criminals" Grandma says proudly "how many have you saved whilst on the team?"

"i belive somewhere around 60 people" i say


"How old are you dear?" the ginger one asks


"have you thought about her debut?"

"Debut?" i echo

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