Beautiful, Gorgeous, Pretty Boy

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Spencer gets up, and walks over to the kitchen, grabs a cup of water, and sits down beside me, closer than before

He holds out the cup of water, i sigh, and take the vape from beside me

"its just a glorified pacifier" He says

I stiffle a laugh, as i drop the vape in, Spencer gives me a small smile and places a small kiss on my hand

"come on" he says "lets eat"


"okay, i have to admit, it was really good" i said, cleaning mine and Spencer's empty milk cups

"i told you!" he cheered, standing behind me, and wrapping his arms around me, and kisses my head

I smile to myself as i place the cups on the rack, i get away from his grasp and run

"get back here!" he yells playfully

"eeeh" i squeal, and lay down on the fuzzy green blanket

He picks up all corners of the blanket, and i look at him dead in the eyes "no"

Spencer gives me a wicked smile and scoops me up

"ahhh!" i scream as i feel him carry the blanket, soon enough, i can feel the blanket flying, and im on the bed

"you monster" i say, he gives me a silly smile and crawls up on me

He smiles and kisses down my neck "your so pretty"

I smile wide and bring his face to mine "your so beautiful"

He shakes his head "men arent beautiful"

I furrow my brows "yes they are"

"no" he says "men are supposed to be handsome"

I wrap my hands around his neck, and shake my head "your beautiful, gorgeous, pretty"

He trys to hide it, but i can tell hes smiling

"my beautiful, gorgeous, pretty boy"

"and you" he kisses my lips "are my beautiful, gorgeous pretty girl"

"i wouldnt want it any other way"

Spencer and i fall asleep in each others arm,  but late into the night, i hear him shifting, and he gets up out of bed

I open my eyes, and watch him walk into the bathroom, two minutes later, he walks back out with a little container of multi-color tablets

"whats that?" i mummble, watching him sit down, his back against the head board, as he eats one, he chews it, and i can see his adams apple bob when he swallows

"im lactose introlerent" he says, eating another one, then putting the container on his bedside table next to his glasses

He lays back, and moves me so im laying ontop of him, my torso on his

Spencer kisses my nose, and i sit up, and tilt my head



"why were you so nnoyed about me vapng?"

Spencer shifts, i can see how uncomfy he is

I frown "please spencer"

"one-one of my childhood friends died from vaping"


"he did it way to often, and it-well- i guess it killed him"

I lay back on him, and kiss his temple "im sorry"

He dosent answer, just kisses my head, and wraps his arms around me

"i wont do it again"

"do you promise"

"i promise"


The next day, Spencer dropped me off at home, he siad my mom called and said i needed to go to school, but Hotch said i can come by after

As i put my bag over my shoulder, walking downstairs, i see Rory take out two strawberry poptarts

When she sees me, she smiles "open"

I open my mouth and she pops a poptart into my mouth, i take it out and chew "thanks"

Not feeling like driving, i take the Bus with Rory, when we get to school, she goes off without me

When i walk into the hallway, i can feel everyones eyes on me, but when i look back, no ones looking

"your just being paranoid" i tell myself, as i open my locker and get my English book

The bell rings, and i walk to my class, i sit down in the back of the room-not my usualt seat, but Mr.Medina dosent blink an eye as i sit down in the corner desk

all through class, my foot taps and taps, and taps, and i start scratching my hand, staring at where conrad wouls be sitting infront of me

Before i know it, the class, is over, and Mr.Medina shows up at my desk


i look up from my desk, and give him a weak smile "Mr.Medina H-Hi"

"your mother told me what happened to your friend-how are you holding up?"

"im fine"

He gives me a half-hearted smile "you sure?"

I nod "why would i say i was fine if i wasnt?"

"well, if you ever need to talk-"

"i have my boyfriend on speed dial, so" i snap, as much as i appreciate him trying to help me, but i dont need someone to tell me its gonna be okay, i need someone to tell me the truth...

Or just need someone to fuck all my worrys away

I get through three classes before its time for lunch, I sit outside on at a picnic table, with my head down


Looking up, i see Cassie

I force a smile "hi"

"you want to skip and go smoke?"

"why not?"

Stars Hollow's Princess (Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя