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"did you see the look on his face when i told Hotch we'd share a room?" i ask spencer as he carry our go-bags to our room "and when i told him we could share a bed?"

He nods "he looked-"


"i was gonan say confused"

I shrug my shoulders as i insert the orange and blue card into the hotel door, and it opens with a click

Spencer closes the door behind him, and i throw my bag onto the king sized bed in the middle of the room

"do they want us down there right now?" i ask, following Spencer into the bathroom, as he stands infrotn of the mirror, fixing his hair

He shurgs, and i hop onto the counter, and wrap my legs around his torso

Spencers phone dings, and he looks down at it, then back at me "were going to the Unsubs workplace"

I nod, and hop off, and start digging through my bag

"what are you looking for?"

"better clothes"

Spencer shows up beside me, and i feel somthing soft hit my back, i turn around and see some clothes on the floor, which im assumeing he tossed at my back

"whats this?" i ask

"i-i thought we could match" he says "i thuoght it would be cute"

I smile and pick up the clothes from the floor

"unless you dont want to" He says quickly "thats completley fine too-"

Before he could finishes, i strip, and put on the clothes. Tan pants that fit me just right, a light gray button up, that i tuck into my bra so its cropped above my belly-button, and a dark red tie, that i tie loosely around my neck

"its cute" i say, leaning up and kissing his cheek, before putting on some black boot-heels


"Morgan take seven, looking for a rank-and-file employee who made a scene in the last twenty minutes" Hotch orders morgan,  and he leaves

"Gilmore Eight" i nod

"Reid nine" He says "dont approach him, try to get a name or a picture" Everyone nods,  and i walk into thre elvator, clipping my gun holester to my pants

When i get to floor eight, i look around the cubicles

"excuse me, can i help you?" A woman in a royal blue suit with almost white hair askes me

"actually you can" i lower my voice to a whisper "im with the FBI" i ignore her weird look "and were looking for someone who maybe made a scene in the last twenty-twenty five minutes?"

She shakes her head "sorry, no"

I nod ''thanks so much"

I get back into the elavator , and watch as the numbers go down

8, 9, 7 ,6 ,5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1

The door opens, and i see Hotch and Rossi standing two feet besdie the elevator guns drawn

"down!" Hotch yells, quickly, i drop to the floor, and i hear a gunshot, and quickly pull out my gun and aim it at the guy that Rossi just shot

Hotch kneels beside who i assume is the Unsub, takes his gun and checks his pulse, he turns to me "you okay"

"yeah" i tell him as i holester my gun

"hes gone" Hotch says retracting his hand and standing up


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