Revelations Part 2

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A/N: thank you to royaltycastle for voting on my last chapter<3


How could this happen?

I could have fought

I should have known it wasnt save

Thoughts repeat themselfs in my head like a broken record, as i sit uncomfortably bound do the wooden chair, and stare at my blue-ankle socks

I ignore the remarks Raphael throws my way "whore" "desperate" "spawn of satan"
the list goes on and on

Till Spencer wakes up

"im not weak, im not weak" he whispers, his head resting on the backboard of the chair

"i dont give a damn wheather your weak or strong" Raphael says, leaning close to him "yell all you want boy, aint nobody gonna hear you where you are"

Them, to prove a point i presume, he starts screaming as loud as he can

"can you shut the fuck up?" i ask, and shake my head

He stands infront of me, and tilts his head to the left "if you didnt have such a big mouth, you'd have a way happier life" he whsipers "then again, a sinner is a sinner"

I stare up at him, not daring to look away, he dsoent scare me "i do have a happy life, thank you"

He places a hand on my stomach "your happy, living with the sin of getting pregnant before marrige?"

I dont say a word

"having sex before marriage is also a sin" he says

I shrug "what can i say, guess im a sucker for punishment" his face expression hardens "i dont regret anything, it was good sex"

He throws his fist at me, it colides with my nose, i hear a crack, but that dosent wipe the smug smirk off my face

"such good sex, i'd do it again"

"maybe" Raphael says, turning to spencer "we should just cut off the source"

Spencer gulps, then looks at me

"pu-lease" i say "you really think he's the father of my child" i laugh "think again"

Raphael takes Spencers hair in his hand "you ready, boy?"

"ready for what?" he asks

"my weakling son thinks od gave you to him for a reason" huh, i guess its not Raphael, its Tobias's dad "lets see if we're both right"

He turns spencer around in his chair, to face four monitors, he does the same to me

He places a tripod infront of us and turns the four monitors on, each one is live footage of people in there homes "see these vermin?"

"choose one to die, ill let you choose one to live"

"no" spencer says, quietly

He steps infrotn of him "i thought you wanted to be some kind of savior"

"you're a sadist and a psychotic break, you wont stop killing, your word's not true" i say

Tobias's dads eye flickers to the camera, its recording "the other heathens are watching, choose a sinner to die, and ill say the name and address of the person to be saved"

"i wont pick whos slaughtered, and have you leave there remains behind like a poacher" Spencer says, and then Tobias's dad picsk him up, there face to face now, spencers shaking, and his eyes are blinking rapidly

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