Bachelorette Party

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"hey" i say, putting my phone on speaker and setting it down on my vanity, tightening my high ponytail

"hey, you busy?" Spencer asked

"actually i am..." i checked my reflection once again, black leggings and a sports bra "im going for a run"

"right" pause "can i come with?"

"you want to go on a run with me?" i ask, walking downstairs, and fill my squeezy water bottle with nice cold water

"ya, i mean, sure"

"okay, ill run over to your house, and we'll jog back to mine?"

"sure, ill see you in....what 15?"

"i can make it 10"

"im gonna count you on that?"

I laugh "bye"


I hang up, and put my water bottle and FBI sweater in my purple drawstring bag and start running

I get to Spencer's apartment with a record of 9 minutes, 20 seconds

"Spencer!" i yell, knocking, he walks out of his apartment door in gray sweatpants and a black shirt, and a black drawstring bag over his shoulder

"nice shoes" i say, lightly kicking his black converse that match mine

"mhm" he mumbles, kissing my temple

Spencer and i start running-actually, more like walking

"whats in the bag?" i asked, squirting water into my mouth

"just a sweater and a bottle of water"

I nod, and look at my watch, then at Spencer

"come on" i say, and start jogging

I hear Spencer groan from behind me, but eventually i hear the sound of his shoes hitting the pavement

In twenty minutes, we get back to my house

Mom, Sookie and Garcia sitting down at the little couch on the porch

I collapse on the grass, panting

"holy shit" Spencer mumbles, taking my squishy bottle, taking off his shirt, and pouring water on his chest and hair

"hey lovies"

"hey Garcia" i say, standing up and walking up to the porch, Spencer follows, sitting down on the stairs

"your mom has invited me to come to the bachelorette party tonight"

"cool" i say, sitting on my moms lap "its gonna be fun"

"your welcome to come too, Doctor" Mom says

Breathless, Spencer justs nods

"your stinky, go have a shower" Mom pushes me off her lap

"come on Spencer, lets go take a shower before we leave" i say, helping him up

"ewww" mom yells, i stick out my tounge at her as we walk upstairs

Spencer and i take a quick shower, when we dry off, i put on my underwear & bra, and search my closet for somthing to wear

"what am i gonna wear?" He asks

"you have some clothes here" i tell him


"theres a hamper by my dresser with some clothes of yours in it"

He nods and goes to the hamper, changing into black trousers, a dark red-almost purple button-up and a black vest

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