Bye Kid

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I drive to the office in the back of Hotch's car. No one talks, its not like an awkward silence, its a perfect silence.
When we get there, we follow Hotch to the door, and he scans his ID and we walk in, and walk toward the elevator, and theres like six steps between the elevator and us when it opens, and JJ is standing there, smiling, with something black in her hand.

"Hey BB" She says, smiling and playing with the cloth in her hand. Shes wearing a tight white dress that goes down past her knees that look stunning.
"BB?" I ask, walking up to her and Hotch puts his hand on the elevator so it dosent close.
"BAU baby" She says, and I can see out of the corner of my eye, Spencer biting his lip to stop himself from smiling.

"I am a lady of society" I tell her, gesturing to the big puffy dress im wearing, these expensive-ass shoes that hurt my feet more than they're worth, my tiara and my gloves. "Not a baby"

She shrugs, and hands me a black bandana and I cock an eyebrow "whats this for?" I question
"put it on" She assures as we step into the elevator "its a suprise party"

I roll my eyes, and watch as JJ hits the elevator button, and pull the black fabric to cover my eyes.
Two seconds later i can her the door open, and Spencer takes my hand, and guides me out of the elevator, and into the office.

"can I take it off now?" I pull on spencers arm "I dont like the dar- Fuck"
I walk into a desk, and my knees give out and I fall right onto my ass.

"Well, you can take the blindfold off now" i hear JJ say somewhere infront of me.
"you couldn't have said that five seconds ago?" I mumbled, moving so my legs are under me and take the blindfold off.

The first thing I see, right on my desk is a cake. Its huge, and white, two tiers, pastel fondant flowers, and some little figures on top that I can quite tell what it is from here, around the desk is snacks and booze. Oh yeah.

Theres white streamers everywhere, and white balloons big and small litter the floor. I turn my head, and see the mezzanine.

Oh. My. God.

There all wearing white. JJ in her white dress, and shes know wearing gloves and a cheap tiara. Emily is wearing white pants, a white shirt and a white blazer, also wearing a tiara.. Derek is wearing white dress pants and a white blazer, with no shirt. Garcia, is in a white tight shirt and a puffy white skirt, with gold sparkles, shes also wearing a tiara, that has gold gems in it, and gold shoes. Rossi is in white pants and a white t-shirt. Then, Spencer and Hotch walk out, Hotch is now wearing white sweatpants and a white t-shirt, and Spencer is now in a full white suit, pants, button down, tie, and blazer over his shoulder along with white converse.

"Happy coming out BB!" They all holler, Spencer, Garcia and Emily blowing into noise makers and JJ, Rossi, Hotch and Derek  pop confetti poppers and white confetti pops out everywhere.

I roll my eyes as i stand up and they walk off the mezzanine and onto the main floor. "Im a lady now" I correct as Garcia comes up and hugs, me, followed by JJ and Emily and Derek kissing my cheek. followed by Spencer pushing him out of the way playfully and kisses my forehead.

"A proper lady of society" Garcia assures as I sit on a desk and take off my heels. "because ladies of society take off there shoes at a party" I stick my tongue at the girl and put my shoes neatly on the chair.

I hop off the desk and my dress is so long you cant even see my bare feet. "See?" I say, doing a little twirl as Garcia opens the booze "you cant even tell I dont have shoes"

"but we know" Emily says, looking over at my desk "What are we ordering?"

"Pizza, obviously" Derek says, then whispering something to Spencer, who nods and walk off somewhere.

"Can we get mozzarella sticks?" Emily asks.
"Ooooh, yes, mozza sticks please" I say
"Pizza and Mozza sticks it is" Emily says and sits down at her desk, and starts calling what i assume is the pizza place.

"Scarlett!" I look behind my to see Spencer, wheeling in a fluffy white spinny chair, with a big fake tiara glues to the top, Spencer picks me up and sits me down on the chair and i erupt into a fit of giggles as he puts a white sash on me that says "Little Debby" written on it.

I full on laugh as he zooms me around the room, then Garcia stops me, and hands me a drink, its in a tall glass and its pretty and orange.
"Ooo whats this?" I ask, taking a long sip from the glass.
"Sex on the beach" She replies, "Anyone else want one?"

Everyone shakes they're head and I pout "it's no fun drinking alone" I say, taking another sip from the fruity beverage.
"Everyone else is driving love" Spencer says.
"Here babe" Morgan says, pouring himself a shot "I'll have a shot just for you" he tips the little glass over and drinks it in one gulp, and smacks my desk.
"Your not driving?" Hotch asks.
"Well, I was hoping when you drop pretty boy and BB off, you'd also drop me off at the flat?"
Our boss signs dramatically, excepting the bottle of coca cola Garcia's offering him "I guess so"
Morgan smiles, "thanks boss"
I finish my drink and Emily leaves to go get the food, Garcia takes my glass "can I have a shot please" I ask, batting my eye lashes.
"You do realize your 16" Rossi says, perching himself on a desk beside Hotch.
I shrug "are you gonna report me?" I tease as Garcia hands me a shot, which I down, ignoring the stinging in my throat.

Emily comes back with the pizza and the mozzarella sticks, and we all eat and drink, laughing and talking, telling story's and sharing thoughts.
When we're done, Garcia gets up from her spot on my desk and grabs a knife, ready to cut the cake.
Spencer gets up from his place at his desk, and picks me up, takes my seat and places me on his lap.
"That's not how you treat a proper lady of society" JJ scolds "you don't don't simply pick her up, you ask politely" she rolls her eyes and I laugh.
"What's on top of the cake? " Spencer asks, and I glance at where he's looking, and on top of the cake seems to be a bride and groom figurine.
"They didn't have a debutante figurine, so I thought to just get this one because Reid was your escort, so it's kinda like a wedding in a way" She shrugs, cutting a big piece and handing it to me on a plate, it's my favorite kind, vanilla and sprinkles.
"Speaking of" JJ says a mouthful of cake "how did the switch go?"

Garcia hands Reid a piece of cake and he excepts it gratefully, jabbing his fork into it and taking a  big bite.
"Pretty smooth" I tell her, taking a bite and chewing before adding "I just took off my glove and shoved it into my shoe, and asked dad to go get it for me."
"Was your father mad?" Rossi asks, begging his own piece of cake.
I laugh, leaning over the desk and grabbing another shot, downing it and putting the glass back "was he ever"

When we all finish eating, I glance down at the watch on Spencer's wrist "we should get going, my mom wants me home" I tell mostly Hotch since he's  our drive, and roll my eyes.

We say our goodbyes, and Hotch, Morgan, spencer, and I pile into Hotch' car and drop Morgan off first, then we drive to stars hallow and drop Reid and I off at my house, before I get out of the car, I turn to Hotch
"Thanks again" I say "you have no Idea how much it means to me"
He smiles brightly "don't mention it, kid. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to pick up the phone and call me"
I nod.
"I mean with anything. If you need someone to replace your shit for a father, then I can do that, If you need someone to ask for advice for, I'm here, even if you just want to get out of the house, I'll come pick you up" he says "don't hesitate, I'll always pick up"

I smile at the man in the front seat "thanks Hotch"

He smiles, and waves me off "go inside, it's freezing tonight"

"Bye Hotch"

"Bye kid"

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