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"i can walk y'know" i tell Grandma as i get out of the hospital bed

"oh i know" she says, letting go of my hand "i just dont want you to fall"

I smile, and walk into the bathroom with the bag of clothes, i change into the sports bra and boxer breifs

Walking out into the parking lot of the hospital with Grandma, i see the Nurse who flirted with Spencer, and stick the finger up at her

We got into Grandma's car, and she put her keys into the ignition "wheres Spencer?"

"he got called off on an emergency case"

She nods and we drive off

"wanna get breakfast?"


We pull into a little cafe, and we get out

"do you need some clothes, princess? theres a botique two minutes away" Grandma says as we start walking to the door

"i have clothes grandma, but thanks for offering"

We walk in, and get seated at a table by the window

A waitress walks up to us "what would ya'll like?"

"ill have choclate chip pancakes please" i say, quickly glancing over the menu

"with wipedcream" Grandma adds

She scribbles it down "and for you?"

"ill have french toast"

"And drinks"


"ill have orange juice" i order

The waitress walks away and Grandma turns to me

"so, i was talking to the Nurse who took care of you-"

"which one?"

"the petite pretty asian one"


"anyway" she continues "she told me that, um, she recomends a therapist"

"a therapist?"

She nods


the waitress comes back and we sit and eat in silence


"ugh i can barely walk" Max groans from beside my mom

"bad shoes?" i asked

"i ate a cow"

"you had a steak" Mom said, shaking his head

"did you know, Steak may seem like the All-American dish, but in fact, the name of our favorite food stems from the Saxons. Their original term for a steak was the “stelk” which literally translates to 'meat on a stick'." Spencer said from beside me, his arm draped over my shoulder

"good to know" Dean says, from the other side of Mom and Max

"stake, plus the sides, four people, six people, 8 baked potatoes" max said

"uh, you always exaggarate" says mom

"am i exaggerating?" Max asked Dean and Spencer


"not in the slightest"

"Ooh ice cream!"

"yes please!" i cheer, running behind Rory, and mom catches up behind me

We order ice cream, i get Cookie Dough, and i get Chocolate for Spencer

While Mom and Rory are ordering, i glance over, and Spencer and Dean are talking to Max

We walk back over, and hand the boys there ice cream

"here, your weirdo" i say, handing Spencer his cone

"im not weird" He counters, and licks the ice cream then kisses my cheek

"ewww!" i scream, wiping the chocolate kiss off my cheek, Spencer just grins like a child

When we get home, Rory and Dean stay outside, and Spencer and i walk inside with mom and Max

Spencer and i walk to my room and he sits on my bed

"what are we gonna do?" He asks

"wanna watch a movie?"


"okay, ill go get some snacks"

As i walk passes moms room, i hear Max and her talking

"okay, well, what do i do if Rory comes home drunk?" Max asks

I scoff to myself

"come on!"

"it happens" Max says

"not to Rory it dosent" mom said

"what about Lory?"

"she's smart, Max, she can deal with it herself"

I smile to myself as i walk downstairs and get a big bag of cheetos, and walk back upstairs

"hey mom?"

"yes?" She says as i peek my head into her room

"can Spencer stay the night?"


"your the best"

I walk into my bedroon, shutting the door, and Spencer and i get comfy on my bed, watching a movie with cheetos inbetween us

Spencer looks at me "you cant be comfy in that dress"

I look down at my lacey summer dress "your right"

In a swift moment, the dress is on the floor

Spencer laughs "you like my boxers that much?"

"i do"

He smiles and kisses my cheek, then, suddenly, he pulls away

"what?" i ask, worried

"your-your stomach"

I look down at my belly, then up at Spencer, smiling

"you like?"

"you got that tattooed?"

I nod, looking down at my fresh tattoo, under my belly-button in very small letters over the scars say 'Sinner'

"when did you get it down?"

"the day after i got out of the hospital"

He nods

"do you like it?"

He kisses my stomach "of course i do"

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