ǝuo ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ

Start from the beginning

He has a younger "brother" he grew up with, not by blood but probably a neighbor or something, let's call him B.

We are all from the same university.

A treats B exceptionally well. If it's raining, he goes to give him an umbrella. If B is sick, A uses taking care of him as an excuse to stand me up. Once, we had bought plane tickets to Thailand for the National Day holiday, but the day before the trip, he said he couldn't go because B had gastroenteritis. I was naturally angry, but A said B was like a real brother to him, so how could he go on a trip when his little brother was sick?

At that time, I thought A made sense, and it showed that he was a responsible person. I completely ignored the fact that A never came to pick me up when it rained, and when I was sick, all he did was buy some medicine and tell me to drink more hot water. (Heh heh, drink hot water...)

Shaking my head at that time, you could probably hear the sound of the ocean.

[1st Comment] Giving You a Side-eye: Your head must be filled with the four continents and five oceans, right? (Smiling.jpg)

[2nd Comment] shadowwww: 66666, OP, lift your head and see if you can spot a green light.

[3rd Comment] King of Pesticides, Pesticides: He's so terrible; why don't you break up with him after the Qingming Festival?

[OP] Randomly register an account. Posted on January 16, 2017, 13:38:10

I realized something was wrong (I still have a tiny bit of brains, maybe 0.1% of a normal person, not more), it was during B's birthday. That year I was in my second year of college, and A and I had been together for almost a year. My birthday is in February, and A went home for the Chinese New Year, so we weren't together. I was the one who proactively called him to remind him... I had a vague premonition that he wouldn't remember. Maybe it was to make things less awkward the next time we met, or maybe it was due to some ridiculous pride, but I foolishly asked him on the phone what gift he had prepared for me...

As you might imagine, I received a lengthy silence and an awkward response. I knew he had forgotten, he was in a bad mood, so we exchanged a few words and hung up. We didn't contact each other much during that vacation, and suddenly I realized that as long as I didn't reach out to him, he wouldn't initiate contact with me.

When the new semester started, he asked to meet me. I thought he was going to break up with me, and at that time, I didn't love him that much, so breaking up would have been fine, and there wouldn't have been so much entanglement and pain later on. A gave me a pair of sneakers, saying it was to make up for my birthday gift. I don't know if he was just lucky, but he happened to buy the exact pair that I really wanted. So, I forgave him without much hesitation, and all the anger I had accumulated over the vacation disappeared instantly. Looking back, even if he had given me a random trinket that day, I would have forgiven him. There's just no logic when it comes to loving someone.

Oh, wasn't I supposed to talk about B's birthday? I got off track again...

B's birthday is in April. Sometimes on weekends, I stay with A in a room, cough cough, we do homework, talk about our dreams, and do some other things I don't want to describe. One time, he went to take a shower, and his WeChat kept buzzing with messages from C, his good buddy. C asked him, "What will that little stream think of you doing this?" There were no other "little streams" around him, so the "little stream" should be referring to me. Since they mentioned me, I couldn't help but take a look at their chat history (his phone didn't have a lock password).

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