So Many Questions Not Enough Answers

Start from the beginning

The car ride wasn't that long maybe close to an hour. We all start getting on the plain, claiming whatever seats we want. Thankfully Henry doesn't keep flight attendants around because they are so fucking annoying.

Anyways, after we take flight Octavia unbuckles herself as everyone else does and climbs onto my lap, basically back into her koala position other than her legs not being wrapped around my waist. I lay my head on her shoulder and she lays hers on mine, I rub her back until I know she's asleep then I let myself drift off.

I woke up to Octavia having another nightmare, this time it was a minor one. I whisper sweet nothings to her and softly shake her until she wakes up.

"Good Morning, sleepy head," I chuckle a little. If I'm being honest, this is the best sleep I've had all week even if it is on a plane. I think I have developed separation anxiety from her. That is probably why I feel so clingy, I need to rethink on this later.

Hours later were all getting off the plane in Greece. Now that I actually. think about it, won't the Irish suspect us coming here? Getting off the plane we walk toward the cars my guards had brought for us.

Everyone gets in the same groups they were in on our way to the airport and we start driving to a house that I had built in the middle of nowhere, in case something like this were to happen.

(the house)

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(the house)

After everyone got out of their cars, we grabbed all of our stuff before going in. My parents didn't even know I had this place built. I didn't have like six rooms here so everyone here is going to have to pair up.

"I didn't have a lot of rooms built in, don't ask me why because I honestly don't remember what I was thinking. Anyway, everyone will have to bunk with someone which may be weird for some considering no one's wives are here," I say scratching the back of my neck. Anastasia and my Mom left to go to a different safe house. They are probably safer that way well, that's what the dads said.

I actually miss Killian. He's been doing a lot of work for me since we left to America.

After everyone picked their roommates they walk upstairs to their rooms. I'm obviously with Octavia and then my dad, Collin is with Maxim. Alexander is with Zelda, I know shocker. River is with Oliver, and Lorenzo is with Stephan. I guess they're together because they aren't close to anyone else here, I don't know to be honest.

And lastly, Jackson is with his dad Jackson. There's one bed in each room but each room has a couch so they can figure out how they're doing that.

When Octavia and I get to my room, she jumps on the bed and spreads out like a starfish. "Do you wanna talk about it now or later? I just figured we both have time now," she asks me. I guess we should talk now.

"We should talk now," I said before walking over to the bed, she slides over and I lay beside her. "I understand why you left or why you both left but why didn't you talk to me? I just woke up and you were gone... Lorenzo, Maxim, and Henry explained what had happened but I just wish it was you who would've explained that." I whisper I'm honestly not mad, just hurt that she didn't come to me.

"I didn't come to you because I was beyond angry and I didn't want to take that anger out on anyone in the house and Jackson felt the same way. This stupid marriage contract is nothing more than that, stupid. Don't get me wrong I love Jackson but as a brother, I don't love him the same way I do you. I love you and only you." she tells me turning her head over to look at me.

I'm not going to lie, my heart dropped when she said she loved him but I was instantly relieved when she said he was like a brother. "I didn't wake you up because I knew that you would try to stop me from leaving, I knew that you would be just as angry, and I honestly didn't know if you would still treat Jackson the same," she explains.

"Okay, now that we have talked about that, are we going to talk about Blake?" I ask her. I don't want to pressure her, when we were all in the room she turned so cold when he brought it up. If she didn't care then she wouldn't have hidden her emotions like that.

"Blake and I were together, he was abusive. I ended up pregnant and he unknowingly beat me so bad that night that I miscarried the baby. I escaped him that night. Stephan is his father, we got close quickly. I guess he could see through his son's charades," she whispers, I almost didn't hear her.

"Blake's mom and sister, they hated me. They knew what he was doing to me. Stephan didn't know the extent of everything just that he was cheating on me." she finishes. I don't know what to say so I do the only thing that I knew would comfort her, I pulled her toward me and she cuddles into my side while I played with her hair.

"You know I would never intentionally hurt you, right baby?" I ask her, I don't think I'm capable of hurting her and still being able to live with myself.

Octavia and I just lay here and talk for a few hours before we both fall asleep. By the time we fall asleep, it's almost midnight and now I'm the one laying in between her legs with my head resting on her stomach and her playing with my hair.

I'm relieved we talked about this but is she going to tell anyone else about what fully happened with Blake? Are we going to figure out this contract?

I have so many questions and not enough answers.

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