A Gift So Lovely

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Several days later, there was still no word from the mortal queens. Amren had been locked in her apartment with the half of the book and hadn't emerged. Feyre had braved going over, taking fresh blood as an offering. She had tried to convince me to go with her, but I had adamantly declined. She didn't seem like someone who enjoyed having her space invaded.

Rhysand had sought me out later, peppering me with questions about my encounter with the Hybern assassin. Instead, I just let him in my head and showed him the memories. Every detail.

He was worried, I knew, but he hid it well. I think it was more for what I had done than the attempt itself. It had taken me several minutes so assure him that it was fine. He shouldn't coddle me. I wasn't a young child, and I definitely didn't need him distracted with my wellbeing. Though, I supposed it was inevitable being the older brother.

Lytharis' shriek of outrage echoed in the small studio, pulling me from my own thoughts. She was struggling with a particular transition and had been working on it for nearly the last hour. Arden rolled his eyes, the two of us exchanging a glance. We had met several days prior, and he was perhaps the most easy going male I had ever met.

Stop thinking about it so much, Thana instructed, sitting across the room, shuffling through several sheets of planned choreography. Lytharis snapped her gaze in her direction and only glared.

Arden snickered murmuring, "Such drama."

I laughed quietly and suddenly a flat was flying for us. It stopped midair for a brief moment, before I let it drop to the floor with a small thud. The smirk that crept across my face earned a small humph from her before she went back to her movement. Thana and Arden chuckled, not bothering to comment.

None of them had even blanched after learning about the power I possessed. How much it might mirror Rhysand's. They had accepted it as easily as if I had told them any other mundane fact about myself. I appreciated more than they could even understand. Thankfully, the question of how I was here now hadn't come up yet.

There was a chance they'd learn of what I was, what I had done- and hate me for it. I didn't think I could bear if that happened. Not when we'd slowly been growing our friendship. I hadn't really had friends before. Everyone was too nervous. The woes of being a high lord's daughter.

Lytharis moved across the floor, her body as graceful and lithe as a willow tree. I watched her techniques and committed the small details to memory. It was as if she had been born into existence already dancing. She attempted the fouetté penché again, her face twisted into a mask of concentration. She spun several times before her folded leg lifted high in the air and then moved back to its angled place against her thigh. She did it two more times before slowing and folding in on herself and sinking to the floor in a dramatic fashion.

Arden's mouth popped open, and I grinned, whooping loudly. Her proud smile was devastating.

"I told you that youd get it," Thana merely shrugged with a sly glance her way.

Something occurred to me as I was watching her. "You're a Vila, arent you?"

Her devious grin as she turned to face me was answer enough. I hadnt asked upfront, wanting to figure it out on my own. I had never met a Vila before.

They were known for their stunning beauty and affiliation with nature. Most never bothered marrying or having relationships, especially with men. Not many had chosen to exist in cities or towns with large populations. They usually preferred to stay near their tie to nature. Whether it be a forest or a body of water. There was a time long ago when human men had hunted them and tried to force them into marriage due to their lust. It usually didnt end in the humans favor. The wall separating our kinds had lessened their inclinations to hide away.

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