Kin in Profession

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The trees seemed to groan in protest to the winds that rattled their branches and leaves. The snow had long been knocked free, joining the foot on the ground. My body occasionally shivered violently, not welcoming the freezing temperatures. Of course, I could have stayed at the House of Wind to practice, but the need to escape a vocal, whining Cassian had been greater than needing to stay warm.

Releasing the darkness that encompassed the area, I glanced back into the direction of Velaris, a wariness settling over my bones. Rhys, Feyre, and Amren had left for the Summer Court this morning. He had allowed no one else to tag along. Rhys was confident they would be back in only a few days and that Feyre would successfully be able to obtain the Book of Breathings. Her ability to sniff out the other high lord's magic was what earner her a spot and Amren would downright terrify them. Despite those of us left, their absence was off putting.

I continued with different techniques and worked on sustainability. The ability to hold the magic had diminished with the years of being unused. Rhys assured me it would improve quickly and had told me not to worry about it. So naturally, I had done the opposite. Even with my meetings with my new friends to practice I was finding myself bored and struggled to occupy my mind enough for it to avoid wandering. The practicing helped to a degree.

An hour or so passed before I resolved myself to return to the city and the house. My wings snapped free and just as I moved to launch myself skyward, a movement in the distance caught my eye. Without a thought, I hunkered behind a tree, peeking around it to where I had noticed the disturbance. I was about an hour from Velaris and it wasn't unheard of for people to wander too close. No, it was the fact that it was winter and there wasn't a lot of traveling during these months over land. Any trade was done via the ports in Velaris.

My eyes landed on a cloaked figure that skulked into the forest and disappeared. Immediately, my wings disappeared, not wanting to risk them. I was glad for the leathers and weapons I had adorned before leaving as I pulled the hood of my cloak over my own head to track the person.

My steps were silent as I moved through the trees, not bothering to cover my footprints behind me. There was no hint of them as I moved deeper into the forest, scanning for anything. Frowning, I stopped and surveyed the area. I had already passed through their entry point and they had taken more care to cover their tracks than I had. Apparently, I had been right to be suspicious of their presence.

I turned to move on when my eyes darted to a gouge in one of the trees to my right. Cursing, I glanced up just as the figure lunged from their spot above. Our bodies collided and I had enough of a warning to twist and throw them off of me. I hit the snow and they rolled several feet away. Darting to my feet, I drew a dagger from the sheath on my arm.

In the collision, both of our hoods had fallen back and I blankly stared at the male who rose across from me. Shit, I couldn't remember his name, but I knew what he was. He was a former assassin for Hybern. More recently he had become their torture master. Those from all over had whispered about his methods and the terror he instilled in anyone he came across. I felt none of that now.

"The King sent you to do his dirty work? Well, actually my dirty work?" I asked, palming the blade in my hand in anticipation.

The sneer that transformed his face was chilling, but I didn't let it affect me. "Someone had to fill your traitorous shoes."

A cold laugh escaped me, echoing around us. They all had some nerve. That burning rage that I had worked to trap and hide seared through my veins once again. He would just be another tally on my long kill list. My eyes scanned the area again discreetly, unsure if he would have risked coming out here alone. He had gotten lucky in finding me out here. No one knew of Velaris' existence.

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