Chapter 29 - Needing More Time

Start from the beginning

"And as much as you don't want to hear it, the Princes will take good care of you too..." she says

"Mom," I say getting slightly annoyed.

"I know dear, but after your side injury, and the foot, and I know that you and Loki are..." she stops when she sees that I am I getting annoyed. "I'm sorry,"

She reaches over and gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Good morning ladies, might I be able to join you?" a familiar smooth voice says from behind me.

The voice sends a quick jolt through me because I didn't expect to hear it, and I am not entirely certain how I feel about it now, but then again, he is a prince and my friend. We have attracted the attention of some of the others around us, and my hesitation to respond is making things uncomfortable. I look to my mom and can read in her eyes that she thinks I need to allow him to sit with us.

"Of course your highness, we would be honored if you joined us" my mom says.

Loki sighs in relief and sits down next to me. I smile at him to ease some of the discomfort of the situation, but I have to also try and keep myself calm. All the things that happened over the past few days come back to me and I feel my anger building.

"Lady F/n, are you alright?" he asks, and I nod; realizing that I have bent my utensils from anger.

"Yes, your highness, I am fine," I respond and release them.

"You are looking quite well," he begins, "your eye has healed nicely, how about your foot and your side?"

"Yes, thank you for asking," I say "everything seems to have healed quite well"

Loki doesn't like that I have responded so unusually flat and cold to him. He chats with my mom and I find a way to get lost in my thoughts. My mom excuses herself to report for duty with the Queen, and leaves us sitting together. Silently we continue to eat, until it gets to be too much for Loki to handle.

"F/n, enough of this..." he says in an exasperated whisper and I look to him innocently.

"Stop this nonsense, you have run away without letting anyone know where you were or when you were coming back." Loki begins, " With your return, you need to accept who you are and take your place in the Royal court."

"And what would that place be, Your Highness?" I ask and stand to leave, I want to be difficult to him, I want to annoy him, and I don't really know why.

But Loki cannot answer as Cedrin has entered the hall with Ala and some others. He sees me with Loki and looks somewhat hurt but runs to hug me.

"F/n, when did you get back?" he says, and pulls away, "You look beautiful..."

Loki stands, "Lady F/n, I believe you have some training to report for..." and he offers me his arm.

Turning to Loki, and bowing my head I respond to him.

"My apologies your highness, but I am not training today so I can allow my foot to heal..." I say, "perhaps we can catch up later."

Loki nods reluctantly; he doesn't want to accept that I will not be joining him and that I am might be mad at him-let alone I have chosen another man with which to leave. Cedrin offers me his and suggests a walk in the gardens, and I agree. Bowing we both excuse ourselves from Loki's presence. Some people did see us and thought we were arguing but since there was no outburst so they all turned away. Cedrin and I leave and head to the gardens. We talk about everything and I tell him about the battle, what happened, and how Thor left us as well as what caused the rest of us to end up in the healers ward. It starts out pleasantly and amicably, but then he broaches a tense subject.

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