Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Together? Alone?" he says quietly but I don't hear him, "how will we celebrate?"

"Well?" I say to the mothers.

"Well," Frigga begins and consults the piece of parchment in her hands, "you both....passed!"

Loki and I jump up and down and finally fall into each other's arms with a hug.

"You both have recorded the highest scores ever, not having missed anything, and you both scored exactly the same." Frigga begins and hugs us, "As a matter of fact, some of your scores were so high they had no idea to actually score it! You both had demonstrated things that they were unaware of. I am so proud of you both!"

"Go and join your new training," my mom says after hugging us both, "we will go to dinner in the village tomorrow night to celebrate."

After a few moments, they dismiss us so we can join the others for some fight training. Loki turns to me and offers his arm, and even though I am shocked by his behavior, I place my hand in the crook of his elbow. As we walk along we talk about the next things we can do regarding our magic. The only thing left will be to continually practice and find more in books, or invent our own; which we have been working on too. We are now considered Masters of Magic at the first level.

As we walk, we notice many people watching us with interest. Walking arm in arm with Loki is garnering some odd looks from others, since it almost looks as though we are a couple. People nod and greet us, almost like they are happy we have gone public with a relationship. We don't curtail their looks or interest, because it would be futile to argue. Let them think what they want; we know the truth and what we mean to each other. Besides, we are still relatively young, but are nowhere near the age that we should be considering getting married; but old enough to probably start courting someone. Some of our friends try to pressure us into dating each other or someone else; but we continue to grow closer to each other as friends as our empathic link strengthens. Not feeling like I am ready to court anyone, I enjoy the time that Loki and I spend together. We have always been close ever since we first met and are best friends. People wonder how I can be friends with him since he has the reputation of being volatile and unpredictable, but I know a different Loki; a kind-hearted and gentle Loki. Everyone else seems to think that they know an evil and more than mischievous Loki.

Our day concludes quickly, and as evening falls, we bid each other and our friends good night and head off to our separate quarters.

Morning comes and after a quick breakfast in the hall, I head over to the training ground. Today we are getting more into some of our fight and warrior training. I am introduced to a young man name Fandral, another one named Hogan who is actually from Vanaheim, but his parents are good friends with the king and queen. Our group is rounded out with my friend Sif, and of course Loki and Thor. We are lead through our training by a Warrior named Volstagg who is a hulking specimen of a being. He is large and tall and we are quite certain we will learn a lot from him.

As usual, and many times throughout our trainings and lessons, Loki and I would get in trouble for not paying attention, or being distracted by something that we could use magic on, but we are not allowed to. The fighting and training has to be as fair as possible and since not everyone is capable of magic, we cannot use ours.

After one afternoon's lesson, we are summoned along with everyone else who is close to our age, to the great hall for an announcement from the king. Once we are all assembled, he appears, and Loki appears by my side, and pokes me in the ribs which I return with a jab to his side.

"Ladies and Gentlemen ... His Majesty....King Odin..." The herald says and Frigga and Odin step out. Loki and Thor move away from us and join them on the dais. We applaud and Odin pounds Gugnir on the floor to get everyone's attention. Loki rolls his eyes and makes a face at me, which I cannot help but laugh.

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