i need my own room

Start from the beginning

"I'm sneaking antibiotics into his toothpaste, just in case."

"Yea, lord knows what that bitch carries," I said. 

"Are you ok?" Diana said.

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter. We're not dating."


Mandy and Diana went back to my place while Ian and I went back to the Gallagher's.

Ian and I double-checked to make sure Debbie, Carl, and Liam were asleep before we went downstairs and turned on the TV.

"Ian, I don't get it," I said.

"Get what?"

"Why he constantly has to break my heart," I said, "He says he loves me, but then does this shit. It makes me want to just end things."

"Then why don't you?" he said.

"I don't know," I looked down and bit my lip, "Because I love him, and I thought that maybe, maybe I'd have a chance, but as long as she's around, I'll never be enough."

I started tearing up. It hurt more when I said it out loud.

"Mayo, hey," Ian said, "Mayo, look at me."

I looked up at him and wiped away my tears.

"You are more than enough. You just have to do what's best for you. Put yourself first."

 I smiled weakly and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you, Ian. I love you so much, you know that?"

"Love you too, Mayo."

We watched TV until we dozed off,  and I fell asleep on Ian's shoulder.


The following day I woke up with a pillow under my head. The door opened, and Fiona came in.

"Morning, Fiona," I said, getting up.

"Hey, Mayo," Fiona said, giving me a big hug, "How was your night?"

I shrugged, "Lip was being an idiot, and Ian and I watched movies until we fell asleep. Typical night."

Fiona had a huge smile across her face.

"You look like you had fun," I smirked, knowing immediately what was up, "Who's the guy?"

"Oh, it's no one."

"Doesn't seem like no one. You gonna see him again?"

She nodded and smiled, "His name's Adam, and he's an investment banker."

"Oh, so that means he's got money money!" I smiled wide, "Is he cute?"

"Oh, beyond cute," she said, "Who knows? Maybe you'll get to meet him and see for yourself."

"Oooo," I said, chuckling.

Fiona turned on the fan in the kitchen, and Lip came downstairs, the bruises on his face from last night prominent.

"Whoa, what happened to you?"

"One of my fighters pussied out on me. I had to fill in."

Fiona turned to me, "You condoned this?"

I threw my hands up, "Don't look at me."

"Looks like the pussy had the right idea," Fiona said, "Get some ice on that eye."

Debbie came downstairs with her clipboard, "We're out of mac and cheese. I can make PB & J's, but I'm going to need more bread."

"I can get whatever you need, Debs," I said, "Jenna needs me to go grocery shopping today, anyway."

"Thanks, Mayo!"

"Yea, no problem."

Debs poured herself some coffee, which was crazy considering I was only able to start drinking coffee when I started high school. And that was with a little bit of coffee in my milk.

"Whoa, half a cup!" Fi said.

"I'm exhausted!" Debbie said, "Liam had me up half the night banging his head. I need my own room."

I couldn't imagine sharing a room with Blake let alone a baby boy. I'd probably go insane. 

"And I want a pony for Christmas," Fiona said.

"He's a boy! He should be with the boys."

I shrugged, "Hard to argue with that logic."

"There's three of us in that room," Lip said, turning to me, "How about that?"

"I'm a girl!" Debbie said, "I'm going to be a woman soon. I need privacy to undergo the upcoming traumatic transformation."

By that, she meant her menstruation cycle and puberty. She'd need real bras and sanitary napkins soon. 

"Debs, it's not that traumatic. Just get through middle school and half the trauma will be over," I said, "And yea, periods suck. But so does having a vagina in general."

"Amen," Fiona said.

Ian and Carl also came downstairs, and I poured myself some coffee.

"What are we talking about?" Ian said.

"Moving Liam into our room."

"No fuckin' way," Ian said.


Lip and I went outside with our coffee to go say hi to Kev and Ethel before going grocery shopping.

"Wow, Ethel, the garden looks great!" Lip said.

"It's all in the compost," Ethel said, "My red worms have been working overtime this year. None of God's bounty needs ever go to waste."

Lip and I nodded, the last sentence flying entirely over our heads. Ethel was so sweet, and very pretty. Kev and V did a good thing adopting her.

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