Her eyebrows crease together, "what is it?"

I point to the magazine, "thi-" I wheeze "this bullshi-" I start to cackle again holding my stomach in pain.

"No cursing." She scolds as she grabs the magazine.

"What's wrong with this?"

"Everyone thinks we're dating, all my friends, even this a fashion magazine!"

"Is that a bad thing?"

I stop laughing, "Well, no but-"

"So it's a good thing?"

"I never said that, I just think it's funny."

"Hmm." She hums. She pays my shoulder.

"I don't get you sometimes." She says then she walks out and goes upstairs.

I open my phone again to see about 30 missed calls from Alya.

I call her.

It rings twice.

"GIRL! WHAT IS WITH YOU AND ADRIEN!" She shrieks like a kid in a candy store.

I push the phone away from my ear in shock.

"God damn Alya. I just woke up to like 60 notifications. Then I started laughing historically at them." I start, "nothing is going on. I was just in the photoshoot."

"Okay, but what about the KISS ON HIS NECK? WHAT IS THAT?" She squeals.

"It was just for his photos. Nothings happening between us." I insist.

"That's not what everyone else thinks, besides you two would be a cute couple. Let's be honest, Adrien and Mari have no chemistry." Alya sighs.

"That girl is hopeless. But you and Adrien? You two fit like a puzzle."

"Please don't say something corny like that again."

She sighs, "What I mean is that you guys work together girl. You two are just the only ones who don't see it."

"Sure Alya. Can you tell everyone we aren't dating? I don't want to get mobbed again."

"Again? What do you mean again?"

"Yesterday fans chased us assuming we were dating I guess."

She groans, "And why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it didn't matter." I hear a sound outside my window?

"Gimme a second Alya." I put the phone down and rush to the balcony throwing open the door expecting to see Chat there. But no one was there. The only sign someone had been there were two dirty footprints on my railing.

"Y/n? Are you there?" I hear faintly from my phone.

I go back inside and grab it. "Yeah, sorry I thought I heard someone on my porch."

"Oh okay. Well about Adrien-"

"Actually I have to go, I'm really busy." I interrupt quickly.

"You're not getting out of this. See you tomorrow." She warns.

"Yeah okay, bye." I snort before hanging up.

I open up the news.

"Don't be bemused! It's just the news. I'm your host Nadjia Chamack. Recent news, Adrien Agreste has a girlfriend! Sorry Perisians, but he's taken now! In other news. Hawkmoth hasn't sent an Akuma in a few weeks! What is he planning? Will our hero's be able to stop it?"

I click out of it and sigh. "Nixx. Why did this happen to me?" I groan laying back down in my bed.

"I don't know, maybe because you're made for each other. Me and Plagg have been talking, and you are both good for each other." He says after a second.

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