As I sit on the couch Octavia is sitting on the floor in front of me, much to my protest and whining. She backed herself back toward me so she can lean her head on my knee for support. I just started playing with her hair out of boredom and because it's soft.

Octavia gets a message and right after she got up and walked to our room. I like the sound of that, ''our room'' I think it's ours. I mean I feel like it's just as much hers, I'm thinking into this too much.

It's been almost ten minutes and she still hasn't come back down yet, walking up I see she isn't in the room and start looking for her. I see her rushing out of my dads' office and locking it behind her which kind of looked suspicious, I don't say anything just raise an eyebrow at her.

She sighs, "Everyone in this room is the people here that can not defend themselves, including your father. He's not happy about it but I need him to stay with the rest, he is the most trained out of all of them," she rambles while pulling guns out of nowhere.

Okay, that was dramatic, it really wasn't from nowhere just her waistband and her combat boots. I have no doubt she has many knives on her, it is her favorite weapon. She hands me a gun and kisses me, right then there were gunshots downstairs.

Octavia and I ran toward where the intruders were coming from and killed every single one we could get our hands on. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder, ugh I hate gunshot wounds. I turn around and shoot the guy who shot me.

I looked at Octavia for just a moment so I can see she was okay but then I got stabbed in my arm on the same side at the gunshot wound. Ignore the pain I continue fighting until they are all dead. I turn to see my brother Alexander slice the last intruder's throat.

My adrenaline made me forget about my wounds and I needed to make Octavia is okay. I look at my brothers and see they're okay, just some cuts and bruises. I rush to Octavia to see if she's hurt which makes Oliver and Zelda laugh at her annoyance.

They stopped laughing when they saw what I saw. Octavia has been stabbed in both of her shoulders, shot in the arm, and shot again in the thigh, not to mention the cuts and gashes on her hands. "Baby, how are you even still functioning normally, actually that doesn't matter right now we need to get you stitched up," I tell her ending in a stern tone so she will hopefully not be hard-headed.

She doesn't fight me she just starts making her way toward the medical clinic we have here. She asks River to let everyone out of the office, handing him the key. I still don't understand how she knew about the attack.

"I have set up my own extra security around the property, out of sight, out of mind. I can see now it came in handy. I knew something just felt off, especially with the Irish being so quiet lately." she says rambling with a concentrated face.

My dad stomps into the room like a child, at this point, the doctor is about to stitch me up. "Literally what the .... You just said you have to stay here and then you got some zoomies and zoomed straight out of there and locked me in," he ranted, he rolls his eyes and makes these offended looks toward her.

Octavia just sits there tentatively listening to him even though she could have already shut him up but she hasn't, it honestly looks like she has a small smile on her face as she just stares at him.

My dad huffs, finally done with his ranting. "Why aren't you saying anything, I would rather you say something than just look at me with that face," he says unsure. She genuinely smiles at him and tells him, "You're right Collin, I had no right locking you in there. It should have been your choice and I took that choice away." she tells him, I think sympathetically. This is all way too weird so I text Oliver, asking him to help and that she is being way too nice.

Oliver walks in and grabs some back off the floor from beside her. I keep my face blank, not letting any emotion be prominent. Oliver takes a pill bottle out of her bag and starts counting the pills in it. It has her name on it so I know they were prescribed to her but for what?

"Did you seriously not take them the last two times you were shot?" he raises an eyebrow like a strict mother. Octavia gets nervous before saying, "I don't like the way they make me feel, I don't want to take them. Don't make me please," she practically begs him.

"I'm confused your not on any drugs and you're still smiling at me like what's up kid, you planning my death?" he chuckles, his smile widening a little. "I think you're not so bad," she smiles rolling her eyes. Oliver stands up real quick saying, "That is the nicest thing I've personally heard her tell someone she barely knows. It's a compliment," I look back over at my dad and he is grinning ear to ear like a little kid on Christmas. I'm glad she likes my dad and he likes her too. I'm glad they get along.

We haven't been in here for too long, maybe an hour. A guard makes his way into the medic room and tells us that we are told to go to America. I think it could be fun, new scenery and lots of time with Tavia.

It took us close to four hours to pack what we wanted or needed to take with us and make our way to get snacks for the plane and of course the drive there.

Octavia is asleep so I just carried her on the plane and laid her down on the bed in the bedroom we have in the back of the plane. I went back to the car and got the remaining of Via and I's stuff.

I got on the plane and lay beside Via, I held her close and secure to me when we started flying so she wouldn't be moved too much.

The last thing on my mind, before I fell asleep, was the way Via smiled at my dad and what she told him.

I do truly love her.

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