Untitled Part 188

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On this day, Ruan Siyi wrote two letters, earning ten copper coins in total.

Only when the sun started setting and the people on the street started packing up their stalls did he put his things away and carry the trunk home.

As he was packing his things, a person stood in a corner diagonally across from him. That person hurriedly turned and left, and at the same time, wiped away some tears.

Ruan Siyi arrived home. The small courtyard was already lit.

Qiao-Shi was putting food on the table. Ruan Siyi first went inside to put his trunk away.

"Husband, come eat."

He didn't dare look at her and she also didn't dare look at him.

In the middle of the meal, he took a handful of copper coins out from his sleeves and pushed it over.

"Husband, where did you get this money?"

"It wasn't stolen."

Ruan Siyi's tone wasn't great and Qiao-Shi didn't say anything. He seemed to realize his tone was off and said quietly: "I earned it."

She replied with an ambiguous "en". Ruan Siyi seemed to have heard her choking up, but also seemed to have not.


That night, two people slept on one bed.

He was on the outside and she was on the inside.

After moving here, there were only two rooms, and each room only had one bed. Ruan Siyi couldn't avoid sleeping with Qiao-Shi on the same bed. Although there was some distance between them, they were still in the same bed.

In the past, Ruan Siyi had never slept in the same bed with her. He felt she wasn't good looking, and despite being husband and wife for so many years, it was only in name.

As of today, those who wanted to leave had all left, but she still remained by his side.....

Ruan Siyi's emotions were very complicated.....


The days passed by idly.

It was like that old man had said. It was possible to make a living, but merely enough to fill their stomachs.

Ruan Siyi had been setting up his booth for a while now and he started gradually getting some regular customers. For example, the woman he wrote his first letter for would only come to him. She had even brought several customers over for him. When business was good, he could earn a hundred or so coins. When it was bad, he could still earn around thirty.

After doing business for a while, Ruan Siyi realized he could draw a couple of calligraphy pieces and hang it on his trunk to sell as a supplement.

He liked to act sophisticated in the past, and could imitate famous calligraphy pieces. If he encountered someone knowledgeable, he could sell it for several silver taels. Of course, there were times when he wouldn't sell anything for a couple months. After all, calligraphy was a luxury that naturally wouldn't be bought at a little stand like this.

Over time, as Ruan Siyi handed the money over to Qiao-Shi, he naturally couldn't hide what he was doing from her. Sometimes, when Qiao-Shi saw he didn't come back for lunch, she would go deliver it to him.


One day, another small stand appeared next to Ruan Siyi's.

That stand sold very basic things: buns and pastries.

Matron Chen knew how to make pastries and buns. This didn't require much capital to make, and there was no need to worry about losing money. She made and steamed it fresh, and any extras could be eaten for dinner. This way, Ruan Siyi also had fresh food to eat for lunch.

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