Untitled Part 94

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The western pavilion's main residence had always been empty. Although it was regularly maintained, Eunuch Chang wanted to do things properly, and naturally had it renovated once again. Especially since it wasn't just Madam Hua living there in the future, but his highness as well.

Having fixed up all the edges and corners, Eunuch Chang personally went to the internal affairs area to pick out several pieces of furniture and decorations. Although a madam's allowance was naturally not too high, with the Jing Prince propping things up from behind the interior design could naturally not be lacking.

After all the renovations were done and the place was finally inhabitable, around ten days had already passed.

Over these few days, Ding Xiang and the rest had continuously been moving a few things over. Xiao Hua's storeroom had naturally long since been shifted. Everything that should be moved had been moved, and what remained could only be relocated after the people had moved.

The Jing Prince's books were organized by Xiao Hua, and included those he had recently brought over as well as those he had left behind in the past. Every book was carefully placed inside the large box.

While Xiao Hua was organizing the books, she accidentally saw two very strange ones. How was it strange?

The Jing Prince's books were usually exquisitely bound volumes. Of course there were exceptions, but those were mostly single books or what not. But there had never been such books that were merely wrapped in a paper cover with several words written on it. Especially since the titles were extremely weird.

Thus Xiao Hua picked them up and casually flipped through them. At first she merely gave a random few glances, but who would have thought that after looking, and looking some more, her face would turn bright red?

She finally understood where the Jing Prince learned words like "come"!

It was all taught by this erotic novel!

Although she was cursing in her heart, she also felt a little desire to read it. Especially since this erotic literature was filled with stories of men and women's passionate affairs, making it extremely attractive. She was deathly curious, ok?

Xiao Hua crouched there reading. As she read she felt like covering her face, but also wanted to continue reading.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, Ding Xiang came in, "Madam, how about letting this servant tidy up the books?"

Xiao Hua's lowered face was red and she hurriedly closed the book in her hands, saying: "No need. It's already done." As she spoke, she stuffed those two books inside the box, underneath the other books.

Ding Xiang also didn't think too much about it and helped put the lid on the box.


On an auspicious day, after the Jing Prince had long left for the front court, Xiao Hua's side started struggling with the move.

Despite saying it like that, Xiao Hua actually didn't do much. It was all done by the people under Ding Xiang's supervision. Xiao Hua was only responsible for sitting under the tree in the courtyard. Once everything was pretty much set up, Ding Xiang asked Xiao Hua to head over.

Xiao Hua had looked around the main residence several times. It was longer and wider than the eastern wing, and there were more rooms. In the center was the main room. The eastern room was the living room, and further inside was the bedroom. Next to the bedroom was a very large bathroom. The room on the western side was the reception, and further inside was the study room.

The Jing Prince's books now had their own spot. The three walls of the study were filled with shelves that could be used. In front of the bookshelves was a large red sandalwood table. Next to the window was a kiln, upon which was a yellow pear wood kiln table patterned with magpies and pomegranates.

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