Untitled Part 187

Start from the beginning

When Chun Tao spoke, Qiao-Shi was crying very sorrowfully. She knew Chun Tao didn't do this because she wanted to get married, but because she knew they couldn't afford another mouth to feed....


Matron Chen also cried. She cried and said she didn't have any relatives and only had young mistress. She was old and useless....

Qiao-Shi hugged her and cried, and said she wouldn't let her leave even if they starved.


The next day, Ruan Siyi forced himself to sit up. He swayed and trembled as he asked about food.

Two days later, he was able to get up but was still extremely thin. When he was able to get out of bed, he would exercise in the courtyard daily.

Suddenly one day, Ruan Siyi vanished.

Qiao-Shi looked everywhere in a panic without success. Just as she was about to despair, Ruan Siyi walked into the courtyard.

"Where did you go?"

"I just went for a walk outside."


Ruan Siyi started talking a walk outside every day. Qiao-Shi didn't feel at ease and wanted to come along, but he didn't let her.

Actually, Ruan Siyi didn't do anything, and merely wandered about the area aimlessly. He had no starting point and no goal. He merely walked.....

On this day, the sun was so bright he couldn't open his eyes. Ruan Siyi left the house, but before walking a few steps he froze.

"You are man from the Ruan household?"

An old man sat outside his house close by, looking at him with a benevolent expression.

Ruan Siyi nodded blankly.

"Come, come take a seat. It doesn't seem like you plan on going anywhere." That old man took out a small stool and patted it.

He walked over blankly and sat down.

That stool was very small and short. He had never sat in something like this before. As he sat, he suddenly felt himself become very small and tiny, and extremely insignificant. A few people walked passed them occasionally. They were clearly dressed in rags, but in his eyes, they had become very large.

Ruan Siyi was at a loss.....

That old man was weaving a basket. His hands were very rough, and the sharp bamboo strips seemed to be nothing in his hands as he carelessly pulled and pushed, weaving upwards one loop at a time. Ruan Siyi felt that if he were the one doing it, his hands would definitely be stained with blood. But this old man didn't have any problems.

"We've been neighbors for so long but I rarely see you come out. I've heard from your wife that you were ill. How is it, are you feeling better?"

Ruan Siyi wasn't suited to such idle chatter, and he stammered: "I'm better."

"It's good that you're better. We poor people can't afford to be sick. During the period you were sick, I saw your wife in a fluster every day. Ai....men are still the backbone of a family. As long as the man is present, the family has some support....."

"Yes, yes."

"You give off the air of a scholar. You're an intellectual right? Scholars are good, you can bring honor to your family in the future. I'm preparing to have my young grandson learn to read. If he can become a top scorer on the exam in the future, this old man would be smiling in my sleep."

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