Untitled Part 179

Start from the beginning

Eunuch Fu was never one to show weakness. Even though he had acted docile in the past, his humble face never revealed any weakness. He had always thought to let those people be arrogant for now, and take care of them someday.

But today, he truly revealed weakness both inside and out. But in the dark, it wasn't as noticeable.

"I'm not a real man, so I feel you deserve someone better....."

"What does better mean?"

"At least someone who can make you happy....at least someone who's a real man....."

"What is happiness?"

Not having gotten an answer, Auntie Qi laughed coldly and continued speaking: "I'm already so old. What man would be willing to marry me?"

"I'm sorry......"

Back then, he had been afraid she would leave the palace once she reached the age of release. He went almost crazy in acting shameless to have her accompany him, saying he couldn't bear part with her and that the fifth prince needed her.....

When the time came, she didn't leave as expected. He felt happy in his heart, but also felt ashamed.....

He squandered so many years of her time. He was almost fifty, and she was several years over forty. He had once thought to leave it like this. Since no one was willing to be with her anymore, he would stay by her side until death....

Unexpectedly, someone liked old ones!

Eunuch Fu, oh Eunuch Fu. You truly are a despicable person. So despicable that mortals and gods alike would be angered!

"If this is all you have to say, you might as well leave. Pretend you never came."

"Then, Eunuch Su...."

As expected! Auntie Qi closed her eyes, grabbed the pillow next to her and threw it over.

"Scram! I'll give my answer to his majesty tomorrow."

"Aunt Xiu——"

No response.

Eunuch Fu swallowed, "Aunt Xiu, Eunuch Su is a eunuch, and he isn't that young...."

"I'm willing!"

"Then, then what do you think about me? I'm only older than him by a few years...."

Auntie Qi choked up and started crying hysterically, "You fiend! You had to be forced before you were willing to say it!"

Eunuch Fu fumbled over to the bedside and sat there at a loss. "Ai, Aunt Xiu. Don't cry."

"You fiend!" Auntie Qi pounced into his arms, and hit him as she cried, "You fiend....."

Eunuch Fu's hand trembled. He fumbled about a few times before wrapping his arms around her tightly.


The next day, Eunuch Fu went to find the Jing Emperor with an ashamed expression.

"You mean to tell me that you and Esteemed Official Qi have affinity for each other, and it's got nothing to do with Eunuch Su?"

Eunuch Fu puffed out his chest and agreed. He said righteously: "That little fellow's feelings are one-sided! Aunt Xiu doesn't like him at all. The person Aunt Xiu liked has always been me."

The Jing Emperor clenched his fists and lightly coughed. He said with a rigid face: "Hmmm, We feel We should still ask Eunuch Su and Esteemed Official Qi's opinions."

He wasn't afraid of asking Aunt Xiu, but he was afraid new issues would come up if they asked Eunuch Su. After all, that little fellow was a smooth talker, and could make something dead sound alive. He hurriedly said: "Majesty doesn't need to ask Eunuch Su. Asking Esteemed Official Qi is enough."

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