Untitled Part 176

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"Eldest princess Yi Yi."

Yi Yi stomped her foot and pulled Luo Zhuo to the side, saying loudly: "Big bro crown prince, instruct him a little. Look at how he acts like a stiff old board. He's only so old but already so inflexible. He'll end up harming your crown prince's dignity if he goes out like this in the future."

Luo Zhuo laughed, "Is it that serious? Big bro Yang Nuo's manners are pretty good. After all, men and women are different. How can he call your nickname so intimately? How are you going to get married once you grow older?"

"I'm still so young, what marriage?" Yi Yi's face turned red. "You two stiff old boards, I'm ignoring you." After speaking, she ran off to Xiao Hua. She looked over and seemed to be tattling.

Luo Zhuo smiled bitterly at Yang Nuo and said: "Mom ended up giving all the nutrition to me when giving birth."

"Err, the eldest princess is fine like this. She's young after all."

Luo Zhuo smiled and didn't speak. He led Yang Nuo over to Xiao Hua's side.


"Ai, don't you feel my way of thinking has issues? Who cares how other people are doing? But still, it feels a little hard to bear when I see it."

Lin Qing Wan sorted through her thoughts and gave Xiao Hua a complicated look: "It's normal for you to have such thoughts."

"Is it normal? When I thought about it last night, I didn't feel it was normal. That's why I called you over to discuss. I didn't dare bring this up to the palace maids, and I haven't told his majesty either."

"How should I put this? You feel that you're currently happy, and you feel that others are unhappy because you've stolen something from them. Therefore, you have a sense of guilt."

Xiao Hua thought about it and nodded, "I truly do feel a little like this."

"In the past you naturally wouldn't have such thoughts. But now that his majesty clearly only has you in his heart, you don't need to worry or be on guard. Therefore, you have more thoughts to spare on feeling sympathetic. This is something people normally feel. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua laughed mockingly at herself, "Actually it's normal for the winner to be king and the losers to be beggars. They harmed me quite a few times. This is why I feel my pity is excessive and laughable. If our positions were reversed, the grass on my grave would probably be knee-high already."

Lin Qing Wan only listened and didn't speak.

"You're still better off. You don't have so many troublesome things...."

Lin Qing Wan smiled: "Actually you're very well off too. I feel you're very incredible. His majesty only has you after so many years. Your happiness is enough for all women under the heavens to be jealous of."

"Aren't you also happy enough for others to be jealous?"

"How can it be compared?! Let's put it this way. The amount of concubines a man has is proportional to his status and power. My man is of lowly birth and has no money. It's only natural that he only has me." Speaking to this point, Lin Qing Wan burst out laughing.

Xiao Hua spat and gave her a glare. "Bugger off. Pretending to be poor every day. It's not like I'm trying to borrow money from you. Do you think I don't know that you're in charge of all the money in your household? It's only natural that your man doesn't have any money."

Lin Qing Wan laughed mischievously, and took a sip of her tea.

She gently let out a breath, turned to Xiao Hua and said: "Actually, you don't have to feel bothered, and you don't have to overthink it. Look at it from a different perspective. You can be an evil person for the sake of your future, and put these eyesores in places where they won't be eyesores anymore. That would naturally take care of the problem."

"You don't mean to say...."

Lin Qing Wan wagged her finger. "Of course it's not the way you're thinking. Why do women have to make things difficult for each other? Of course, if someone's straight up bullying you, you shouldn't let them off. But if they aren't a threat, you should let them off when possible."

Xiao Hua thought for a while and said in a complicated tone: "But I always felt that a woman's happiness doesn't come from living a life of luxury...."

Lin Qing Wan's eyes flashed. She lowered her gaze and stirred her tea with a smile: "The fact that you're able to have such thoughts in a place like this is already very hard to come by."

Xiao Hua thought she was referring to the palace, and that Lin Qing Wan was saying she was kind.

Little did she know that their thoughts were miles apart.

She thought a little longer and muttered with her brows furrowed: "No, my thoughts aren't conventional in this world...."

Lin Qing Wan didn't speak. Xiao Hua thought a little longer. She looked at her and wanted to say something, but hesitated.

"This is something you have to figure out yourself. If you can't think through it, you can discuss it with your majesty....hehe, it's getting late. I'll head back first."

Xiao Hua nodded and didn't get up to send her off. Lin Qing Wan came and went from the palace like it was her own home these past few years. It was naturally a breeze for her.

Only after getting onto her carriage did Lin Qing Wan reveal a smile.

Actually, Lin Qing Wan could understand the concubine's thoughts and attitude. However, in the end it wasn't appropriate for her to say too much.

If this had happened in her previous modern world, she would definitely roast her for being an unreasonable bitch. A mistress who won out in the end still had the face to pity others?

But this wasn't the modern world, and under this system it was normal for there to be several wives and concubines. The laws here permitted men to have many women, and the women here would never think of themselves as the mistress.

Furthermore, Xiao Hua was her good friend, and she would naturally see things from her perspective.

Everyone had the right to happiness, as long they didn't offend the heavens and as long as they didn't do anything they should be ashamed of. Everything else was unimportant. Everyone was selfish. If you have something others didn't, it would always be an undoable knot.

It was too hard for women to be happy in this age.

She had her own happiness, and she naturally wanted her best friend to be happy as well.

Therefore, Xiao Hua, you must be happy. You definitely can't allow outside influences to interfere with your happiness.

Author's notes:

Xiao Hua isn't a Mary Sue. Anyone can feel sympathy. Women are especially prone to this. Especially if the other person is so down that you feel they aren't a threat at all. As for Wan Wan, everyone would change how they view things according to their circumstances. She isn't being hypocritical, she's just adapting to her circumstances.

Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder ChambermaidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin