Untitled Part 168

Start from the beginning

The eldest lord showed a panicked expression. The Jing Duke collapsed into his chair with a crash, his face ashen.

The hall was scarily silent.

Although the Jing Duke's Estate had a lot of influence, the eldest lord's command over the capital guard was the most important piece of their power. If this was stripped away, it wouldn't just be breaking off an arm, it would also affect all their other affairs and many of their plans that were already in motion.

Thinking of the entire string of events, the Jing Duke felt as if he had fallen into an icy pit, and felt chilled to his core.

The Jing Emperor—-

This person always exceeded expectations. He seemed silent on the surface, but was actually like a poisonous snake hidden in ambush. He was able to unexpectedly bite and leave behind a grievous wound that you couldn't even complain about.


When the Xiao clan's second madam came to the judicial hall, she was already crying heavily and unable to form any words.

Seeing this, and seeing the late hour, the three officials gave Eunuch Fu a glance.

Eunuch Fu was also quite considerate. He stood and said: "The three superiors have been busy the entire day, and it's already quite late. How about we resume tomorrow?"

"That works too. Then we'll trouble Eunuch Fu to inform his majesty."

"No trouble at all. It's the three superiors who have worked hard." Eunuch Fu cupped his hands. "It seems this second madam is an important witness, so I'll trouble the three superiors to have someone guard her strictly."

"That's for sure."

Eunuch Fu seemed a little uneasy, and after thinking for a bit he said with a troubled expression: "I won't keep things from the three superiors. With his majesty's decree, we naturally have to do our best in this case to clear the senior concubine's name. How about this one brings along two low-ranked eunuchs and have them remain with the second madam in the judicial department?"

"This—-" The supreme justice revealed a troubled expression.

Eunuch Fu smiled understandingly and said: "Of course, we won't make things too difficult. After all, we have to compromise. How about the two eunuchs remain on guard outside with everyone else. Count it as a favor to this one, and let them keep an eye on things."

Hearing Eunuch Fu put it this way, the supreme justice immediately showed a warmer expression.

"That's fine."

"Then we'll have to trouble superior." Eunuch Fu turned and instructed the eunuchs by his side: "The two of you stay with the Xiao clan's second madam. After she enters her personal room, you guys stay on guard outside. Don't let anyone exchange words with her."


After Eunuch Fu left, the supreme justice showed a hint of a smile. The other two remained silent.

"This official still has work to do, and will take his leave first."

The next day, the hearing continued.

The second madam was timid to begin with, and after being confined for a night, she honestly confessed the next day. As expected, the Xiao clan's eldest madam was implicated. With the second madam's confession, the eldest madam had no choice but to confess as well.

She seemed to have come prepared, and plead guilty to her own actions. However, her final conclusion was that although she had sent people to spread rumors, they couldn't be seen as slandering the senior concubine.

"This madam admits to doing some unpleasant things out of selfishness. However, spreading rumors is different from slander. May the superiors please see things clearly."

Everyone present understood the eldest madam's meaning. Spreading rumors was just passing on the message. Slander was maliciously harming someone. These received different levels of punishment. The former could be punished lightly or harshly, but not with death. The latter undoubtedly deserved the death sentence.

For the sake of preserving her own life, this eldest madam was fighting to the bitter end with the prime senior concubine?

The three superiors seated up high had ugly expressions.

The three of them had privately discussed this matter before. Due to the rumors, his majesty had lost face and thus ordered them to investigate. But the method and extent of the investigation was left up to them to figure out. The Jing Emperor didn't specify.

According to their thoughts, they could stop after reaching this point.

The Jing Duke Estate undoubtedly wanted to use a scapegoat, and this eldest madam was the best choice. By playing the "women weren't sensible" card, they hoped to wrap things up. His majesty and the senior concubine would both regain their dignity and this matter would leave behind no scars.

But the eldest madam's words now not only put her at odds with the senior concubine, but also put the three of them over the fire.

If they went along with her words, they would have to investigate the root cause to see if the rumors were really "slander". To put it plainly, they would have to investigate whether the senior concubine truly was the way she was described in the rumors.

But this matter involved the senior concubine's private affairs, and was taboo. Intelligent people wouldn't get involved in such matters. His majesty would be unhappy no matter how it was handled. Otherwise, the three of them wouldn't have such ugly expressions.

When immortals fought, mortals suffered calamity. Although they weren't quite mortals, being pulled into the mix was still quite depressing.

"Eunuch Fu, this situation—-" The supreme justice said with a troubled expression.

Eunuch Fu chuckled a couple of times, and gave the eldest madam an indescribably dark look.

He truly didn't believe this move was something this woman came up with. What an excellent move. It gave her a life preserving talisman while also allowing her to bite back without repercussion.

If they continued to investigate, his majesty might lose face and the senior concubine would be finished. If they didn't investigate, the three departments' joint hearing would become a joke, a sham that his majesty put together. The rumors would be all but confirmed and the senior concubine would lose her pure reputation.

Were these people just so confident in themselves?

"This one will send someone to report to his majesty. If the three superiors could please wait." Eunuch Fu spoke quietly to a low-ranked eunuch on the side, who quickly left.

In the hall, the Xiao clan's eldest madam revealed a cold smile.

Eunuch Fu turned his head and happened to catch her doing so.

He let out an inaudible hmph, and then said with a smile: "Since we don't know how long this will take, how about the three superiors grant the madam a seat? She is a court conferred noble after all."

The supreme justice slightly froze, and then had a subordinate provide a chair for the Xiao clan's eldest madam.

The madam sat down aloofly and slightly nodded towards Eunuch Fu. She seemed to be polite, but her brows contained a barely concealed arrogance.

This was because Eunuch Fu's attitude gave her a good indication.

This was a choice—-

The Jing Emperor had to choose between his own face and his senior concubine.

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