Untitled Part 126

Start from the beginning

Everyone had a flash of understanding, and thus Li Hong Chang was sent out.

This time, when Li Hong Chang asked to meet his cousin, the Jing Prince also wanted to see their latest scheme and agreed.

Li Hong Chang wasn't reserved about it, and after speaking a few idle words he got straight to the point.

He said his sister had gotten lovesick, and was crying all the time. She had a crush on cousin but was too embarrassed to say so. He, as her brother, couldn't bear to see this anymore and thus thickened his skin and came over.

Your skin is truly thick, Eunuch Fu silently cursed.

Li Hong Chang didn't wait for him to respond before continuing: "It's normal for a man to have several concubines. Your cousin also feels this is extremely good, relatives becoming even closer. Even without mentioning this, cousin isn't young anymore but you don't have a single offspring. It's clear something is wrong. Without even mentioning her other aspects, many great masters have divined that sister Miao Lian is very suitable in this area. If she were to marry in, we can guarantee you'd be holding two little ones within three years."

"Furthermore, Miao Lian is a famous talent back where we came from. Her skills at song and poetry are exquisite, and there's nothing she can't do with a piano or a paintbrush. Cousin, if you could marry Miao Lian, it would be your greatest fortune. Everyone would be envious....."

The Jing Prince wasn't able to maintain his apathetic expression any longer, and seemed quite wretched. He should have been furious, but somehow this person's words made him feel both angry yet amused.

"Cousin Jing Prince, what do you think?"

Li Hong Chang's face was beaming and he was in high spirits. With the way he described this ordinary girl, even he felt that his sister was an angel who came down from the heavens. He even had the impression that marrying his sister to this cousin was actually her marrying down.

Therefore, Li Hong Chang's expression was saying, "why aren't you agreeing?! You won't get another chance if this opportunity goes by."

Unfortunately, the Jing Prince was able to interpret his expression, and wasn't able to maintain his smile any longer. His expression looked wretched as he clenched his fists and coughed lightly.

Li Hong Chang had a face full of concern, "Cousin Jing Prince has caught a cold! You have to eat medicine if you're sick!"

You're the one that needs medicine! Eunuch Fu continued to curse silently.

*Cough* "It's not a cold." The Jing Prince explained meaningfully.

"Oh, I understand!" Li Hong Chang's small eyes widened, his face nervous, "Is it because there's someone preventing you from taking another concubine?"


Li Hong Chang looked as though he hated iron for not becoming steel, "Cousin Jing Prince, how could you indulge a tiny concubine like this? Although concubines are all rather lovable, men should still have their own opinions." He spoke based on his experience with his two concubines. He felt they were indeed rather lovable, and instead didn't like his principal wife quite as much.


The Jing Prince was extremely distressed. How was he supposed to respond?!

Eunuch Fu cleared his throat and said firmly: "Highness, the western pavilion's side is still waiting for you to eat lunch."


The Jing Prince's expression turned rigid.

Li Hong Chang however misunderstood, his expression once again hating how iron couldn't become steel. He stood up and stomped his foot, exclaiming loudly "heroes truly die for beauty" before turning and leaving.

He left just like that? The Jing Prince hadn't said anything yet!

Eunuch Fu chuckled awkwardly, "Since they want to think this way, then let them. Doesn't highness think this works out rather well?"

The Jing Prince suddenly understood. That's wonderful!

That was to say, Xiao Hua became the scapegoat. Thinking of her reaction once she finds out, the Jing Prince couldn't help but clench his fist and cough a couple more times.

He stood up and clasped his hands behind his back, saying in an extremely upright manner: "This thing cannot be kept from the madam."


Great. As the grand general manager, he had actually become the messenger for these two people. Who knows what they found so amusing?


During lunch, Xiao Hua saw that the Jing Prince's expression was earnest yet his eyes would often look shifty, and knew that something had definitely happened once again.

As expected, Xiao Xia Zi came to report when she was napping on the kiln in the afternoon.

Alright, so she was now the demoness who bullied the grand Jing Prince into not daring to accept any more concubines! Xiao Hua felt her anger well up from all over, but felt even more that it was amusing. What kind of "special" person was able to force his highness into saying such things?

That night, the two finished bathing and got into bed.

Xiao Hua changed into her special nightdress. The silk gauze negligee only half concealed the pair of tall peaks and revealed a slender waistline in the middle. Underneath was a gauze silk pair of pants, making her figure seem even more exquisite. Her upper half especially could no longer be compared to the past. They were tall and firm, and a pair of small protrusions could be seen in the middle.

The Jing Prince's heart tightened and he gulped a couple of times.

The Jing Prince was already unable to endure with this outfit alone, and it was even more so with Xiao Hua's methods. While the Jing Prince was dazed, Xiao Hua grabbed two slender ropes and wrapped them around the Jing Prince's wrists before tying the other ends to the bedpost. She then straddled his waist.

"This bandit king descended from the mountains to plunder today, and surprisingly captured a fresh little girl. Haha.....little girl, hurry and beg for mercy and this great king will let you off."

The Jing Prince froze and recalled one of his erotic novels. This novel was about a bandit who occupied a mountain and captured a young girl one day....

But he was the man. Why did he become the little girl?

Xiao Hua saw the Jing Prince space out and her peach blossom eyes narrowed dangerously. She leaned over and bit him before rubbing around with her lower half. The Jing Prince started panting lightly from her movements. As she grinded on him, she said: "Hurry and beg for mercy little girl, and this great king will let you feel good!"

The Jing Prince's pupils dilated. He lightly licked his lips and said quietly in a hoarse voice: "Mercy, great king!"

Xiao Hua didn't expect the Jing Prince to comply. She had intended to tease him inappropriately a bit for making her sound like a tyrannical demoness. But this alluring sight seemed to have dazed him, and in his daze things suddenly got out of hand.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua cried "mercy, great king" countless times but the Jing Prince didn't let her off. This made her wonder if she had been too soft. Why did she use such thin ropes, and why didn't she tie him down tighter.....

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