Untitled Part 117

Start from the beginning

A cloud of dust rose up from the field. The horses neighed and the people yelled, it was extremely lively.

"Aiya, on the left."

"The right, the right."

"Get out of the way!"

It was hard to tell who was who on the field. The crowd of people charged from side to side violently, breaking through here and there. They would suddenly charge forward, and then suddenly turn around and retreat. There were no gentlemen here. The gentlemen were already flung far away. Getting the ball was all that mattered.

Polo was loved by everyone. Which rich household's descendants hadn't played at least a couple of times before? At first, the people didn't dare act too unbridled in front of Emperor Xi. However, a short while later, they looked left and then right and started cheering and stamping their feet.

"The red team gets a point."

The first goal was scored by the crown prince's side. Accompanied by the beating of drums, a flag was inserted in the eastern flag post.

The blue team cried out in disappointment. The Jin Prince reined his horse in and lifted his polo stick: "Everyone, don't be discouraged. It's only one point."

The ball was served once again, and before long, the blue team had also gotten a point.

The two teams were closely tied, and the struggle grew fiercer and fiercer. Polo was a group battle to begin with, and occasional collisions were inevitable. Although it was thrilling, conflicts often arose as well.

Either your stick hit me, or my horse bumped yours. As the match progressed, all notions of status were thrown out the window. Even if they came into contact with the crown prince or the Jin Prince, the group of people dared to pull their sleeves. They jostled their opponents into making mistakes while also hissing provocations one after the other.

The crown prince's team was mostly chosen based on their background, and their polo skills weren't too good. Although the Jin Prince also chose influential people, he still paid attention to their skills. After some time, the difference became clear.

The Jin Prince's team was ahead by four points.

The red team inevitably grew anxious. The crown prince reassured them for a long time before the ball was served.

After he scored in the last round, it was the Jin Prince's turn to serve this round. He still urged his horse after the ball as before.

Someone on the red team reached the ball and hit it back, calling for everyone to move towards the blue team's goalposts. After all sorts of defense and blocks, the ball was stolen and sent back once more. The Jin Prince received the ball and headed towards the red team's goal. Because his angle of approach was tricky, many people weren't able to react. Only the crown prince took the lead in chasing after him.

The red team followed after them. The blue team left a few people on defense while the rest followed behind as well. The crown prince was still one horse's distance away from the Jin Prince, and saw that he was about to score at the swing of his stick. The crown prince's horse suddenly increased in speed and rammed the Jin Prince's horse.

Did the crown prince go insane?

The people in the stands all stood up. Even Emperor Xi found it hard to conceal his shock. Senior Concubine Xu covered her mouth in fright and the empress was stunned.



The sound of a horse's whinny rang out. The Jin Prince flew out with his horse. The dark handsome horse tumbled to the floor while the Jin Prince was flung far away. The crown prince's horse only stumbled a few steps and came to a halt.

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