Untitled Part 103

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There was definitely something fishy going on, but what was it?

In his helplessness, Huang Qin finally suggested using retroactive reasoning.

Retroactive reasoning was, as the name implied, using the outcome of a situation to deduce its cause. It was mainly used to analyze cause and effect.

Senior Concubine Xu's goals had always been obvious: the emperor's throne. The current emperor was old, but not to the extent that he was preparing to abdicate and pass away. According to tradition, the crown prince would inherit the throne. If the Jin Prince wanted it, the first one he had to surpass was the crown prince.

In that case, how was the senior concubine planning on accomplishing her goals?

Apart from the emperor's favor overcoming the crown prince's status, the only other way was if the crown prince was impeached based on his moral conduct. Yet Crown Prince Luo Zhao had already been the crown prince for over twenty years without any issues regarding his moral conduct. Although it was said his personality was a little unsteady, with Empress Xiao and her governmental estate's grandfather behind him, his position was as stable as Mt. Tai.

The remaining option was to raise an army and rebel.

But with the current emperor still present, a rebellion was out of the question. Even if he rebelled he would be committing the greatest crime under the heavens.

The Jing Prince thought back to his past life. The Jin Prince's rebellion had happened after the death of their royal father.

At that time, he had received news about his father's passing, and was preparing to return for the funeral. Halfway through the journey, he received news from the capital that things weren't stable, and every vassal prince was ordered to return to their vassal states. News of the Jin Prince's ascension came shortly after.

Only then did he realize the Jin Prince had revolted as he returned to the capital for the funeral. The crown prince had died, though no one knew how it had happened. The empress died shortly after.

According to the Jing Prince's memories, the emperor would pass away four years later. In his past life, the Jin Prince had always been very "content with his place", and only in the final years before the emperor's death did he often get summoned back to the capital.

In his past life, the Jing Prince was merely someone who wasn't remembered by Emperor Xi. Due to his two royal brothers being favored and often summoned back to the capital, the Jing Prince had even secretly been envious before. This was why he had such a deep impression of it.

Thinking to this point, the Jing Prince was shocked. Could some problem have occurred with his majesty's body?

According to his intelligence reports, his majesty didn't have any major illnesses. That time he fainted in court was also due to his age and from being overworked. But putting the evidence together, the Jing Prince concluded that something was wrong with his royal father. Otherwise the Jin Prince wouldn't act so abnormally.

The Jing Prince had been caught up in the tiny details of his past memories and felt that the senior concubine had been acting strangely. He hadn't able to figure it out, but if something was wrong with his majesty and he might not make it past a couple of years, then everything could be explained.

Huang Qin was still trying to come up with various conspiracy theories when the Jing Prince said: "Mister Huang. This humble prince is thinking. What if the emperor's health isn't good?"

Hearing this, Huang Qin was shocked. He was intelligent to begin with, and soon understood his meaning.

"According to highness's words, this seems quite possible."

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