Untitled Part 58

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"That's all we can do." The Jing Consort muttered.

Actually it could also be put in food, but the meal management center wasn't somewhere the consort could interfere in. Auntie Qi kept a close watch. Therefore she could only compromise and wait to put it in the tea, making it impossible to guard against.

Thinking of this, the Jing Consort couldn't help but curse that "Qi bitch".

She could only curse about it. Others may not be aware of it, but she knew clearly that as the consort she was just a figurehead. That's why she was angry!

Thinking of this, the Jing Consort's breathing grew urgent and she covered her chest with her hand. Nana Li and the rest hurriedly rubbed her chest and brought tea to calm her breath.


Xiao Hua returned to her residence, shook off the snow on her body at the door, and took off the cloak and clogs before finally entering.

The kiln and charcoal basin were burning inside the room, making it feel warm and cozy the moment she entered.

She took off her outer layers and put on something lighter before going over to sit on the kiln.

Chun Cao steeped and brought over some tea. Xiao Hua tested the temperature before taking a sip.

Ding Xiang and Ding Lan who had gone along with her to pay respects didn't ask why she was happily drinking tea now when before she had told the consort she didn't drink it.

When lunch arrived, since it was for one person, Xiao Hua had them arrange it on the kiln and didn't go eat by the table.

Ding Xiang suddenly spoke to the side, "Since madam has said she never drinks tea, the consort will probably offer some other drink tomorrow."

At this moment there was only the two of them in the room. Xiao Hua had let the rest of them go eat lunch.

She couldn't have others only watch while she ate, right? Furthermore, their meals were brought over along with Xiao Hua's own from the meal management center. If they waited for her to finish before eating, their food would get cold. There wasn't a small kitchen here so reheating it would be difficult.

Although Xiao Hua didn't say much normally, her every action was quite considerate towards others. She herself was a servant in the past, and naturally knew that serving by a master's side wasn't as glorious as it appeared on the surface. Having to eat cold meals was a common occurrence. She was just eating lunch, and there was no need for so many people to serve it. Leaving Ding Xiang behind was enough.

Ding Xiang's words were rather probing, and could be taken in a couple different ways. She could be saying that the consort was considerate, knowing Madam Hua didn't drink tea and switching it out for her. She could also be saying other things.

Xiao Hua's eyes flashed and replied: "That's really quite troublesome."

She grabbed her food, placed it in her mouth and chewed slowly before continuing: "I'm not used to eating other people's things before I figure out what's inside their mind."

She didn't look at Ding Xiang this entire time.

Ding Xian also half lowered her head, pouring soup for Xiao Hua.

"You don't need to worry about the meal management center. The Changchun Pavilion cannot interfere there. Just pay a little attention when it's time to fetch the meals. This is usually handled by Ding Lan. She is a meticulous person, and won't make any mistakes."

Xiao Hua received the soup and took a small sip.

"It's really troublesome. I can't be too obvious about it."

Ding Xiang didn't speak. She waited for Xiao Hua to put her chopsticks down before bringing over a cup of water for her to rinse her mouth. She planned to help wipe her mouth with a handkerchief afterwards.

Xiao Hua didn't let her, taking it into her own hands and wiping her mouth off herself. After placing the handkerchief down, she gave Ding Xiang a glance.

Her appearance was ordinary. She could at most be described as pretty, but she was filled with an air of steadiness from head to toe.

How could such a person have been arranged to serve someone without foundations like herself? She would definitely not believe it wasn't especially arranged by someone.

"Ding Xiang."

"Madam." Ding Xiang kept her head half lowered, stopping her hands' movements of clearing the table, her attitude extremely respectful.

"Who arranged for you to be here?"

Ding Xiang's hands started moving again. She only responded after a moment: "This servant was sent over by Auntie Qi." She paused a little and spoke again: "Don't worry madam. Ding Xiang clearly understands her role by your side. Auntie Qi has also said that madam will be this servant's mistress in the future, and that she had nothing to do with this servant from now on."

"Thank you." Xiao Hua said again: "Help me thank Auntie Qi." Eunuch Fu as well, though this part she didn't say out loud.

Towards Eunuch Fu, this person, Xiao Hua's feelings were very complicated. Her circumstances today were caused by him. During this time she had felt unwilling and had complaints, and as a servant who couldn't resist her superior she didn't feel resigned. However, being able to develop to this extent, she could do nothing else but thank him.

She also understood Eunuch Fu's heart, even if it was just a little. At least she could sympathize. She also knew why Eunuch Fu viewed her in a different light. It was all due to the Jing Prince.

The Jing Prince.....

Today was her first time paying respects but Xiao Hua could already feel the pointed spears.

Yu Jiao was brainless, but the other three she couldn't see through yet. Without even thinking about Yu Rong and Senior Concubine Qiao, just the Jing Consort's wolf in sheep's clothing appearance was more than enough to keep her occupied.

Whether there was something in the tea or not she wasn't sure. The first time the Jing Consort said to drink tea, she wasn't willing to suffer the same fate as in her past life and used her counter against Yu Jiao as excuse to avoid it. When the Jing Consort said to drink a second time, she thoroughly didn't dare to drink anymore.

She still had to go pay respects tomorrow. Would she really be as considerate as Ding Xiang said and switch her drink?

She didn't want to assume the worst of others, but this kind of rear court struggle between women was a battlefield filled with smoke and gunpowder. It was no exaggeration to say that it was a life or death situation.

Xiao Hua rubbed her brows in frustration, and let out a sigh.

Ding Lan hurriedly entering interrupted Xiao Hua's thoughts. Seeing her urgent appearance, she couldn't help but frown: "What are you panicking about?"

"His, his highness, is here."

Author's note: Please don't call the Jing Consort a dumb c*nt. As someone who wants to give birth to a child but can't, and is unwilling to see someone else give birth to one, it's logical they would act this way. Looking ahead....see you tomorrow.

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