Chapter 32 - New routes

Start from the beginning

"Sadly we have to leave aswell." Virion said.

"Already, but we haven't had much time to talk." Tessia asked sulking.

"I'm sorry little one, but I'm actually only here because I had to talk with Cynthia. It was spontaneous that I sparred with Lucas. But don't worry I will take some time for you next week, I promis." Virion promis taking Tessia into a hug.

"You're better not lying to me." She replied in a muffled tone. "Arthur, lets join Lucas and Caera for dinner. We can do my assimilation afterwards, right?" She aksed.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I only have a DC meeting sometime after dinner but there should be more then enough time untill then for todays training." Arthur replied taking her hand.

And with that they all made their way out. Tessia and Arthur decided to accompany Virion and co. to the gates and meet up with Lucas in the cafeteria afterwards.

As they left the faculty building Lucas saud one last thing to Virion.

"Virion! Only trust those that you know by heart." He said before he walked of, leaving a confused Virion behind.

It took Lucas only mere minutes to arrive at the cafeteria were Caera already waited for him.

"Hello." He said with a warm smile. Ever since Fayrith teased him earlier today Lucas can't get rid of the thought of him dating her. Would it be right to date her? Wouldn't it make him a traitor if he would? Does he even like her in that way?

It is true that he cares for her and that she is important to him, but does  that mean he 'loves' her? He never had to think about love in his first live. Not because he didn't want to he just hadn't had the time for stuff like that. But maybe he would have the time in this life. Gray said that he could find love in this world. 

'Should I try it? Should I allow myself to love? But more importantly, would she even reciprocate my feelings for her, if I had them? She is still from Alacrya, sure she dosen't support Agrona but that dosen't mean that she likes us Dicathens, that she likes me? Why does it have to be so complicated?' He thought to himself.

"Hello. Your later then usual. I thought you might have forgotten our promis." She said sounding relived?!

"As if I would forget that. I just had a sparring match with Tess' grandfather and we somewhat lost track of the time. I'm sorry if you had to wait for me." He said apologetic.

"No, no its fine. You came and thats what matters." She said with a slight blush.

"Do you want to go inside?" He asked gesturing to the door.

"Yes" she quickly answer.

Inside they got into the line to receive their food. After the got it they went looking for open seats.

"I see some over there." Caera said pointing to a mostly empty table.

They, as allways, sat down next to each other and begann to eat and talk. Arthur and Tessia joined them after about 10 minutes. Together they chatted about anything and as time does when you'er having fun, it went by quickly. They finished their meal and left.

"Then we will see you later Arthur. Tess, have a good night." Lucas said.

"Good night you two. Lucas if possible I would like to train on my plant magic tomorrow, do you think you could help me?" Tess asked shyly.

"Ofcourse." He replied smiling.

"Good night Tessia and see you later Arthur." Caera said before she and Lucas parted ways with them.

"So how long until the meeting starts?" Caera asked.

"We have around an hour." Lucas stated.

"An hour to fill. Do you have something in mind we could do until the meeting starts?" She asked.

"Not really. An hour isn't much time to beginn with." Lucas replied.

"Then lets go to the DC office and wait there." Caera suggested.

Lucas hummed in agreement and they made their way to the DC office.

"I had never expected that so many students would join after school clubs. It is pleasantly quite around this time." Caera said.

And she was right. In comparison to the after lunch break there are nearly no students in sight.

It was quite and peaceful wherever you go. A rather rare occurrence in consideration of the latest attacks on DC officers or students. But nevertheless they both enjoyed it to its fullest.

As they walked alongside the pathway  a beautiful scenery met their eyes. The sun shined through the various buildings dyeing the majority of the school grounds in red. A really stunning view.

Arriving at the DC office they immediately went inside only to finde most of the DC officers already present.

"Lucas good to see you!" Theodore called out.

"Good to see you aswell. Say did qe get the time wrong?" Lucas asked in confusion.

"No you didn't. Most of us only arrived minutes earlier." Theodore responded.

"I see." Lucas replied taking his seat next to Claire.

"As I can see only Arthur and Doradrea are still missing, right?" Claire asked noone in particular.

"Arthur helps Tessia with the assimilation of her beast Will. He should be here on time." Lucas answered leaning back in his chair.

To kill some time they decided to hold some sparring matchs. They went down to the small arena and group up in pairs of two with only Kai and Lucad not participating.

"Who wants to go first?" Lucas, who offered to be the referee, asked.

"We will go first!" Theodore exclaimed with Curtis in tow.

They both got into a fighting stance. Lucas asked if they are ready to which they both nodded. He declared the start of the fight and both fighters stormed forward.

Theodore being the stronger one with higher control over his element turned out to be the winner.

Following them were Kathlyn and Fayrith. With Kathlyn bearly being the winner. Their fight was the most even one.

The last and also longest fight was between Claire and Caera. Lucas could see how much Claire had improved her skills in the last few years but sadly she was no match for Caera.

As the fight reached its end did Arthur and Doradrea finally arrived.

The whole group went upstairs and settled down at the giant table.

"Alright everyone, as you all know do we have problems with a racist group in this school that not only attacks us but innocent students aswell. Those attacks are using an elixir that boosts their strength tremendously. Due to those recent events do we assume that they plan their attacks at night. Which leads us to the agenda of todays meeting. We intented to implement a night watch and revise our curent patrolling routes." Claire announced.

In the following two houres were new routes created and Arthur, Kai, Caera and Lucas volenteered for the night watch.

"That should be all. You are dismissed. Rest well." Claire said as she rose from her chaire. The rest of the DC followed and they each went to their doorm rooms.

-2466 words

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