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Time skip, a week later ~

Mysterious Packages:

The week passed by, and Y/n was feeling much better. However, she couldn't help but notice that Jungwon's behavior had shifted for a short while during her illness. He had shown a caring and considerate side, but as soon as she recovered, he returned to his old, mischievous self.

Despite his antics, Jungwon seemed persistent in trying to spend time with her. He'd show up at her doorstep, try to strike up conversations, or leave little packages outside her door. Some contained sweet gifts, while others were playful pranks.

One day, she opened her door to find a cute plush toy waiting for her. Confused, she picked it up and saw a small note attached. "Hope this brightens your day -JW."

She rolled her eyes, muttering to herself, "As if a plush toy can brighten my day."

The next day, she opened the door to see a box of chocolates with another note. "Just a little treat for the best neighbor -JW."

Y/n huffed, but she couldn't help but crack a small smile at the gesture. She loved chocolates, but she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

The next few days were filled with similar surprises. One morning, she opened her door to find a stack of her favorite books, with a note saying, "Thought you might enjoy these -JW."

Another day, she found a small jar filled with paper stars and a note saying, "Each star represents a smile you've brought me -JW."

Despite her annoyance at his playful antics, Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Jungwon's gestures were both sweet and frustrating, and they kept her on her toes.

One afternoon, as she opened the door yet again to find another package, she couldn't hold back her irritation. "Jungwon, enough with these silly packages!" she called out, hoping he was nearby to hear her.

To her surprise, Jungwon appeared from around the corner, a mischievous grin on his face. "You don't like my surprises?"

Y/n crossed her arms, trying to look stern despite the slight amusement in her eyes. "They're... nice, but it's getting a bit overwhelming. Can't you just leave me alone?"

He leaned against the wall, not deterred by her words. "You know I can't resist teasing you, Y/n. It's all in good fun."

"Well, it's not fun for me," she retorted. "I just want some peace and quiet."

Jungwon's smile softened slightly. "Okay, fine. I'll lay off the surprises for a while. But don't think I'm giving up on getting to know you."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. "And why do you want to get to know me so badly?"

He shrugged, looking surprisingly sincere. "You're different, Y/n. You don't fall for my charm like other girls do. It's refreshing."

She wasn't sure if she believed him, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Well, just don't expect me to suddenly become best friends with you."

Jungwon chuckled, stepping closer to her. "Who said anything about being friends? Maybe I'm just curious."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat at his words, but she quickly brushed it off. "Well, don't be. I'm not that interesting."

He grinned, his playful side resurfacing. "I beg to differ. You're the most interesting person I've met since I moved here."

Before Y/n could respond, he disappeared around the corner, leaving her with a mix of emotions swirling inside her.

Daring To Love The Fuckboy || Yang Jungwon Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora