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~ Time skip, 5 days later ~

Mending Bonds:

Jungwon's determination to prove his sincerity continued to shine through in his actions. Five days had passed since their candid conversation, and during that time, he had clung to Y/n like a lifeline, making sure she felt his presence and commitment at every turn. It was as if he was putting in double the effort to show her that he could be trusted.

One evening, as the sun began to set and cast a warm glow over the city, Y/n found herself sitting with Jungwon on her balcony. They shared comfortable silences and soft laughter, the air between them light and easy.

Then, out of nowhere, Jungwon turned to Y/n with a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Hey, I've been thinking..."

Y/n arched an eyebrow playfully. "Thinking? That sounds dangerous."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Very funny. But seriously, I've been thinking about us, and I have a surprise for you."

Y/n's curiosity was piqued. "A surprise? What is it?"

Jungwon leaned in closer, his voice laced with excitement. "How about a vacation? To Paris?"

Y/n's eyes widened in disbelief. "Paris? Are you serious?"

He nodded, a grin tugging at his lips. "Absolutely. I thought we could take a break from everything and just enjoy each other's company."

Her heart fluttered at the thought of a romantic getaway, but then reality hit. "But I can't just leave work and go on a vacation like that."

Jungwon's grin only grew wider. "Ah, but I've taken care of that already. I spoke to Sarah at the dog cafe, and she's giving you some free days. You deserve a break, Y/n."

Y/n blinked in surprise. "You what? You talked to Sarah?"

He laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Yes, I did. I wanted this to be a surprise for you."

Y/n's initial scolding instinct kicked in, but she couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her chest. "You really didn't have to, you know? But... thank you."

Jungwon's gaze held a mixture of earnestness and affection. "I wanted to show you that I'm committed to making this work. That you can trust me."

She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "You're impossible, Jungwon."

He chuckled, his arms wrapping around her. "Is that a yes, then? Will you come to Paris with me?"

Y/n looked up at him, a soft smile forming on her lips. "Yes. I'd love to."

And just like that, in the midst of a quiet evening on a balcony, their plans for a romantic vacation to Paris were set in motion. It was a journey that would not only take them to a beautiful city but also deepen their connection and strengthen the bonds they were mending.

~ Next day ~

Whimsical Preparations:

The sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over Y/n's room as she and Jungwon stood amidst scattered clothes and travel essentials. The prospect of their Paris trip had them both excited, yet the process of packing had taken a rather whimsical turn.

Jungwon couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Y/n's suitcase, which seemed to be bursting at the seams. He shook his head in playful disbelief. "Do you plan on moving there permanently?"

Y/n shot him an amused look, defending herself, "I just like to be prepared, okay?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist, his grin mischievous. "Prepared for what? A teddy bear convention?"

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