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Embers of Change:

In the days that followed their awkward encounter, Y/n and Jungwon seemed to drift apart. Their conversations became infrequent, and a sense of distance settled between them. Jungwon continued his partying and club-hopping ways, indulging in casual encounters with other girls, while Y/n sought solace in focusing on her work at the dog cafe.

The nights felt lonely for Y/n, but she was determined to keep her emotions in check. She knew that allowing herself to dwell on Jungwon would only bring unnecessary heartache. Instead, she threw herself into taking care of the adorable dogs at the cafe, finding comfort in their unconditional love and affection.

One evening, as Y/n was serving a customer, she noticed a familiar face approaching the counter. It was Jay, one of Jungwon's friends who had been at the gathering that night. He smiled warmly at Y/n, as if he could sense the unease that had settled over her.

"Hey, Y/n. How have you been?" Jay asked, genuinely concerned.

Y/n mustered a smile in response. "I'm okay, just keeping busy with work," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Jay leaned against the counter, lowering his voice slightly. "Look, I know things got a bit weird after that night. Jungwon told me about it," he said, his expression sympathetic.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Jungwon's name. She hadn't expected him to discuss their encounter with his friends. "Oh, did he?" she replied, trying to sound casual, though her curiosity was piqued.

"Yeah, he's been acting a bit off too," Jay admitted. "I think he's been trying to figure things out as well."

A mix of emotions washed over Y/n. She had assumed that Jungwon's carefree behavior meant he hadn't been affected by their moment, but Jay's words suggested otherwise. "I see," she murmured, not knowing what else to say.

Jay studied her for a moment before speaking again. "You know, sometimes people try to hide their feelings by distracting themselves with other things, like partying and hooking up. Maybe that's what he's doing."

Y/n looked down at her hands, contemplating Jay's words. She had been doing something similar, focusing on her work to avoid facing her emotions. "Maybe," she whispered.

Jay reached out to pat her shoulder gently. "Just give it some time, Y/n. I'm sure things will work themselves out eventually," he said reassuringly.

As the days passed, Y/n couldn't help but wonder if Jay was right. Maybe both she and Jungwon were trying to bury their feelings in different ways. The connection they had shared couldn't be ignored, and despite her attempts to move on, thoughts of him lingered in the back of her mind.

~ Time skip ~

Unraveling Hearts:

Y/n stared at Jungwon, her heart torn between annoyance and concern as she listened to his drunken and slurred words. She couldn't believe that the confident and carefree guy she knew had been reduced to this vulnerable state. As he clung to her, she guided him to the couch, trying to steady him as he continued to cry.

"Jungwon, what happened?" Y/n asked gently, her concern overriding her annoyance.

He hiccupped, wiping away tears with the back of his hand. "I-I was in a club, but I didn't want to hook up with anyone. These two girls... they wouldn't leave me alone, and they started harassing me," he mumbled, his voice filled with embarrassment and frustration.

Y/n felt a surge of anger towards those girls, but she knew that wasn't what mattered right now. She needed to focus on helping Jungwon. Awkwardly, she sat down beside him, trying to offer some comfort.

Daring To Love The Fuckboy || Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now